I am approached from time to time by customers to W3C compatibility. video mp3 Many a potential customer, also is testing like the website of a provider in the Validator before it makes contact. Unfortunately, often lack the technical knowledge to interpret the output video mp3 of the W3C validator correctly. For this reason, I always make sure that I have not provided pages -or as little error. The alleged video mp3 failure to CSS3 www.medienservice-ladewig.de are merely commands that were set deliberately video mp3 for reasons of compatibility of me so. But first to the W3C Validator in understandable German - What is W3C? W3C Markup Validation Service is the World Wide Web Consortium Service, which is testing Web documents conformance to web standards, video mp3 and checked for "well-formed markup." Or put more simply, it checks a commonly used in Web document for errors.
This is usually an HTML, XHML, XML, CSS stylesheet, RDF, OWL, SVG or WCAG document. The Validator checks, if you will, the grammar of the code. So the proper use of commands, parentheses, quotation marks, properly set attributes, etc. For this, the nesting of elements. The specification to be used selects the Validator video mp3 using the doctype of the document. video mp3 Items that are not included video mp3 in the relevant specification, or were simply formatted or misspelled, generate error messages. Sounds simple? Is it unfortunately. Because you could now easily say that a professionally designed website will be without fault necessarily. An error indicates generally finally point out that the website video mp3 was not created properly or even sloppy. Unfortunately, it is then not quite so simple. Partial failure, or commands will be recognized by the validator as an alleged error, actually video mp3 intentionally written in the code of an HTML page. These are mostly commands to ensure video mp3 compatibility with older browsers. Although these are recognized by the W3C Validator as errors of modern browsers but simply ignored. Only older browsers, for these orders were placed, they can pick up on and implement correctly. The most prominent example is here certainly the Vendor prefixes: body {-moz-border-radius: 5px; } The vendor prefix "-moz" in this case stands for Mozilla. This line of code is completely korrent and is in a Mozilla browser rounded video mp3 corners for an item (usually DIV container or image) produce. Unfortunately, the W3C Validator has no vendor prefixes video mp3 and casts simply a mistake. meta http-equiv video mp3 = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE video mp3 = edge" This frequently used line of code throws the validator also a mistake. But only serves that Internet Explorer uses the latest Chrome rendering engine. Its a feature, not a bug! I handle this problem in which I write this line easily in the HTTP response headers. Not known attributes of elements also are the W3C Validator with no known attributes an error. This is only right and proper and should be avoided for various reasons, but it is not a mistake that would affect the appearance video mp3 of the page. Typically, these are set routines for Javascript.
It is often also easily generated for performance video mp3 reasons supposedly incorrect HTML / CSS code. One example is the side of google.de called that already raises alone 26 errors in the W3C validator.
So you should just ignore the error of the W3C validator? Quite unsure. But an error-free document (within the meaning of the W3C validator) is not a sign of quality. To advertise, though is okay, but only if it educates the customers on the validation. Otherwise it almost borders on confidence trick. It must clearly distinguish video mp3 between errors that affect the presentation of the website and tolerable Validator to distinguish errors. This distinction should be as a professional will leave the field of expertise. Nevertheless - to Embrace not only on discussion must, you should make sure that the Validator little video mp3 (better not) raises video mp3 error. Here is the statement from Google on the topic:
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