Long, Mishka dvdvideosoft Henner questions the photographic medium. Especially in Photography is currently exhibited at the Pompidou Centre as part of the exhibition "What is photography?" In this book of nearly 200 pages, it was compiling dvdvideosoft the responses provided by Google with the request "Photography is". The result is hilarious as he demonstrates by contradiction that there are as many answers dvdvideosoft as affirmations.
_IMG01, Is devoted to a picture of James Francis Hurley taken in October 1917. It represents five Australian soldiers crossing a river in the Ypres region in Belgium. This is therefore a historic photograph that carries the WWI memory. But what happens to the image when it is scanned? It is transformed into computer code lines. It is this code that is reproduced in _IMG01. And it extends dvdvideosoft over 740 pages! For that simply looking at pictures on a screen or even printed in a book (which is the result of multiple digital operations, only the contact between dvdvideosoft ink and paper being analog) without trying dvdvideosoft to look into the engine, dvdvideosoft it is first staggering to realize that a simple little black and white image occupies dvdvideosoft as much space.
Beyond the surprise, reproducing printed form this usually hidden code under the icon of a file, Mishka Henner turns literature into picture. But literature inaccessible to new illiterates are most of us. Photography is as much as, _IMG01 is a strong artistic contribution to think of photography in the digital age.
Irony is a cardinal value of the work of Henner Mischka. And there are in fact published a text unreadable. As there is in it to accompany _IMG01 a small silver dvdvideosoft print. Return to Sender.
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