Saturday, May 16, 2015

React 140 shares Google+ Share The daily newspaper from 0.75 A 60 year old man was brain dead Tue

React 140 shares Google+ Share The daily newspaper from 0.75 A 60 year old man was brain dead Tuesday after being violently assaulted in front of his building, Monday, May 4 to Albert.
Reportedly, power dvd an addict for twenty years had hit him with hand weights before harp on him while he was on the ground, unconscious. The incident occurred in front of a residence in the neighboring power dvd SIP public garden of Albert, power dvd behind the street power dvd Anatole France, street Anchor precisely. power dvd
Before attacking the smoker, the young man who lived in this house for three months, had knocked on an apartment, to apparently looking for his cat. The mother and daughter who were there had the push. "They shouted for help out the window," said a resident of the building.
"The new tenant was not in his normal state," says another, who was taking a nap at that time. "The assailant and his victim were smoking power dvd together occasionally. It's sad. Now I fear me, "says one close to the sixties, to tears.
The latter, unemployed, is many times Dad, including a 4 year old, and grandfather again in recent days. Three hours earlier, power dvd the young tenant would be presented power dvd at a neighbor barefoot and shirtless claiming that it hid his cat in his chest. The cat, as well as other evidence, has also been seized yesterday afternoon at the home of the perpetrator.
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