Friday, May 22, 2015

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Recent posts on Arch Linux and I have a short tip - drawing traffic with iptables download YouTube youtube-dl with no spam - Version 0.5 feed2podcast 3ds emulator - Create a mere podcast rss Recent Comments Cat on Israeli radio stations list updated list Shaul Israeli radio stations updated list Cat Israeli radio stations updated list Shaul Israeli radio stations cat updated on Israeli radio stations list updated
CSS3 support in implementing fonts. Ie is present at the site surfer fonts installed in his computer. An example is the title of the new site I built passages in history. I used css to embed the font of the free pen Aleppo Codex.
@ Font-face {font-family: KeterAramTsova; src: local ("Keter Aram Tsova"), url ("KeterAramTsova.ttf"), url ("KeterAramTsova.eot"); / * For IE * /} .blog-name {font-family: KeterAramTsova, 'Segoe UI', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
But this method also has its drawbacks. For example, if you enter the Oriya language Wikipedia will notice a flicker of the text caused by the fact that the browser loads the font only after completing load the page. I think this bug should be resolved at the level of a device or at least at the level of the browser, Firefox bug opened 3ds emulator but closed at the end. The logical solution would be to load before loading the text font.
Meanwhile, there are some solutions that fix the problem or at least improve it. Remove the font file unnecessary characters - to speed up loading the file should reduce its volume. Using editing software like fontforge font files you can open the font file and remove 3ds emulator all the characters that we have no need for them. I erased 3ds emulator all the characters from the file in English and Yiddish and almost all punctuation and stayed with alphabet letters, it reduced the file size tenfold. Cache run - by adding the following lines to the file. Htaccess server, we define the browser does not download any file from the server once, but load it from the cache. 3ds emulator
<IfModule mod_expires.c> 3ds emulator ExpiresActive on ExpiresByType font / truetype "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType font / opentype "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType font / woff "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType image / svg + xml "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType application / "access plus 1 month" </ IfModule> 3ds emulator enable gzip compression on fonts - not found a really good example of that so I hope that the following good enough, I took him out html5boilerplate. Add also the .htaccess file
<IfModule mod_deflate.c> <IfModule filter_module> FilterProvider COMPRESS DEFLATE resp = Content-Type $ application / FilterProvider COMPRESS DEFLATE resp = Content-Type $ image / svg + xml FilterProvider 3ds emulator COMPRESS DEFLATE resp = Content-Type $ application / x-font-ttf 3ds emulator FilterProvider COMPRESS DEFLATE resp = Content-Type $ font / opentype </ IfModule> </ IfModule> can also run JavaScript delay the presentation of the page to load the font. By Paul Irish has some ideas.
Including recommended reading the post by Paul Irish detailed as mine. But despite all the solutions here, I think they just bypass and the solution needs to be a systemic level. Published on the ninth of Tevet wish to add? (03/01/2012) 03.01.2012 Author Cat Categories Computers Tags css, web, blog, WordPress, Wikipedia, Firefox, freeware
I will probably publish it next week (I'll send you a link if you want to). Anyway, my intention was different, a lot of fonts (in Hebrew) are presented differently in different browsers. These Web-enabled fonts are displayed identically in all browsers.
Cat commented:
Great light of the fonts offered here, and to be calm in 100% I want to delete Mhooindos my all fonts I collected in ways that are not clear * I have a folder corresponding containing all fonts I have installed 3ds emulator ever so I know exactly what fonts it is - a huge amount ... Does anyone have an idea How do I delete everything that I have installed and returning the original fonts that come with than Windows only?
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