Sunday, May 3, 2015

First, a Div fr is created the position, then there are the settings for JavaScript, which is polle

The site is created, everything worked fine and the Validator has informed that the site is 100% valid ergo is properly created and was then integrated to the social services and suddenly announces the Validator error. Using the example of Facebook to display that the solution is not so far away.
In Facebook you can the "filled me!" - Button (English: like button) installed, but about the actions tag as "Share" button can be used. The second option what the font makes more sense, since negative reports you might want to recommend his friends, but found it no favors. Facebook provides a code for installation that looks like this:
First, a Div fr is created the position, then there are the settings for JavaScript, which is polled, the page is already recommended wieoft and other technical Durchfhrungen and finally comes the actual definition, beginning with the second Code and fb: like.
With this code, any parameters is transmitted what the font in Javascript and so has the Validator no longer a problem. Facebook works like gewnscht, the Validator also and the site is clean again. what the font The script can be naturally adapted. This is true for the width, font and also for the Action Day, which is set here to recommend. Who "filled me!" available as text have wants, "like" should choose.

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