Saturday, May 2, 2015

Gutn to all this: style element not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Further Suppr

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Gutn to all this: style element not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Further Suppressing Errors from this subtree.) <Style vernacular type = "text / css" title = "text / css" media = "all"> this is the error to me rausschmeit the Validator. I know now is not really what it means. This is the block to which you are referring. a eingepflegtes video with kompatibilittfr vernacular IE9 or less
Code: <div id = "modal-07" class = "popup-modal vernacular MFP hide"> vernacular <img class = "scale-with-grid" src = "images / gallery / Christmas Gala video.jpg" alt = "" width = "800" height = "475" /> <div class = "description-box"> <h3> Christmas Gala 2010 </ h3> <style type = "text / css" title = "text / css" media = " all "> <! - [if lt IE 9]> video {display: none; } <[Endif] -> </ style> <video width = "480" controls> <source src = "video / Joerg_Wolf_Weihnachtsgala_2010.mp4" type = "video / mp4" /> <source src = "video / Joerg_Wolf_Weihnachtsgala_2010 .ogv "type vernacular =" video / ogg "/> <source src =" video / Joerg_Wolf_Weihnachtsgala_2010.m4v "type vernacular =" video / mp4 "/> <div> A pity - here KME a video if your browser HTML5 supported estimation hut, such as the current <a href="" target="_blank"> Google Chrome code </ div> < / video> <- [if lt IE 9]> <object classid = "clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase = " Flash / # version = 7,0,0,0 "height =" 480 "type =" application / x-shockwave-flash "width =" "> <param name =" 640 movie "value =" player. swf "/> <param name =" vernacular FlashVars "value =" file = myvideo.flv "/> <param name =" allowfullscreen "value =" true "/> <param name =" allowScriptAccess "value =" always "/> <img src = "myvideo.png" alt = "Alternative" width = "639" height = "452" /> code </ object> <[endif] -> </ div> </ div > does that mean that I can write the style information only in the head section. but how do I adjust the then fr my video? -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- other error code body start tag seen but to element of the same type which already open. <Body> vernacular this code
<! DOCTYPE html>: Code <! - [If lt IE 8]> <html class = "no-js IE IE7" lang = "en"> - <- [if IE <[endif]!>! 8]> <html class = "no-js vernacular IE IE8" lang = "en"> <! [endif] -> <! - [if (gte IE 8) |! (IE)]> <! -! > <html class = "no-js" lang = "en"> <! - <! [endif] -> <head> <--- Basic Needs Page ===========! ======================================= -> <meta charset = "utf-8 "> <title> Wolf - Official homepage </ title> <meta name =" author "content =" Wolf "> <meta name =" description "content =" Wolf - Official homepage "> <meta name =" keywords "content = "Wolf, Beat, Jrg Wolf, Joerg Wolf, Gina"> <! - Mobile Specific Meta ========================== ======================== -> <meta vernacular name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1, maximum -scale = 1 "> <! - CSS ======================================= =========== -> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / default.css" /> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / layout.css" /> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / media-queries.css" /> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css / magnific-popup.css" /> <link href = "css / lightbox.css "rel =" stylesheet vernacular "/> <! - Script ===================================== ============= -> <script src = "js / modernizr.js" & g

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