Monday, February 2, 2015

Nonlinear Experimenting with new nonlinear narrative forms narratives began to take place significa

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Nonlinear Experimenting with new nonlinear narrative forms narratives began to take place significantly since the early twentieth century, from literature, experimental film and photographic encore works that used the collage and montage. The nature of the network would provide a more optimal encore platform for nonlinear who experiences [...]
Experimenting with new nonlinear narrative forms began to take place significantly since the early twentieth century, from literature, experimental film and photographic works that used the collage and montage. The nature of the network would provide encore a more optimal for nonlinear experiences which could lead directly to users / viewers platform.
Olia Lialina work shows how not only the concept of person or character can be changed, but also the narratives that give meaning to information. In its paradigmatic work "My Boy Come Back frome the War", started in 1996, documented on their web until 2007 began with the first version supported by hypertext narrative associations allowed to create different routes for a story chosen depending on different frames. The project becomes ironic and playful to find versions of other years made by contributors. [1] Thus we find a Versioned 2005 where the corresponding link will take you to a catalog of shirts where you can read the text that names the art project, or another encore link in the same year, where the Chilean encore artist Ignacio Nieto takes a tribute to the soldiers of the town of Antuco, who died as a result of the negligence of the Chilean Navy. "When I started, I thought I was going to do web-stories, net-films encore and games, but unexpectedly I found involved in the process of I had to concoct intrigues, provocations and falsifications, encore in a word: History encore instead of tales "[2], tell Olia Lialina.
Identity and narrative alterations are found in the work of the Spanish artist Dora GarcĂ­a. The possibility of fiction is also articulated in such works as The Kingdom "," Forever "," Heartbeaters "," Prayers "or" All stories "[3], in which the possibilities of hypertext encore are used by the artist to generate dispersed and expanded speeches that are made plausible to be understood as a parody of media stories already enshrined in the media and public space.
During the twentieth century begin to deploy other implications between technology and women. Anne Balsamo in his book "Technology encore of the Gendered body: Cyber Reading Women" [4] describes the contemporary cultural situation in which they are attached the body and technology in a literal sense, where machines take body functions and body Redesigned substantially by applying newly developed technologies. Balsamo puts cosmetic surgery, for example, in terms of new display technologies. encore Although encore technology allows us to rebuild and reconfigure the body and its spatial locality, old cultural patterns prevail: cosmetic surgery allows women to conform to the standards of feminine beauty encore where women are harassed in cyberspace or hiperbolizadas (advertising, pornography , video games). However, Balsamo tries to recover utopia about cosmetic surgery "a different way of seeing this technology might be to take seriously the idea of cosmetic encore surgery as 'surgery fashion' ... those who choose cosmetic surgery could be using their bodies as a vehicle for staging cultural identities "[5]. And also as a way to modify the stories about bodies are set through new communication systems to be offered through the media "It seems that virtual reality technologies are involved in the production of a given set of cultural narratives that reproduce the dominant power relations. Perhaps a better encore approach to assess encore the significance of these new technologies and, more importantly, the use of these technologies is to see the possibility of altering the patterns of domination from the social and cultural forces "[6]. encore Balsamo, therefore, repositions the female body from passivity to an assemblage of active interpretation. She shows how the analysis focused on the female can release the female body limits in relation to and in new technologies. From a similar position, encore Beatriz Preciado, understanding the body in its dimension bio-pol

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