Friday, January 31, 2014

Jesus wanted relying on possessions and wealth in this young man

Jesus would be a problem in the rich young man addressing him or the demands of discipleship spells? Jesus told him one requirement, or two? He had only his trust in his earthly possessions and wealth dispense, or Jesus the demands made on the cross to take?
1933/53 Old Afrikaans Translation: "And Jesus looked at him and he loved him, and said unto him, One thing you lack-Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven video to mp3 : and come, take up the cross and follow me. "
The first criterion we watch, the evidence presented by the manuscripts themselves emerge. We compare manuscripts originated from the same period one another. It is understandable video to mp3 that older manuscripts, which is closer to the original outografieë copied, free from variations with time arose, and so from copy to copy transferred.
We owned six Greek manuscripts to the year 500 AD that this chapter contains. Five of them are without this addition. Only the Washington manuscript did in this sentence. This manuscript of the Gospels, a strange mix. It comes with no manuscript match, and even an extended paragraph in any document whatsoever be found. Parts of this manuscript corresponds to different manuscripts agree. The first part of Mark chapter 5:30 to agree more with Western texts match, while the rest of Mark again with more papyrus 45 ( 220 AD) matching. Unfortunately, Mark is one of the ten parts not in papyrus 45 survived. HA Sanders assumes that the Washington codex possibly copied video to mp3 from a source which is composed of fragments video to mp3 of various manuscripts that joined together to attempt Diocletian (245-313 AD.) To Christianity video to mp3 by destroying their sacred books burned. How much value can we attach to a particular variation in such a composite text?
Only after the year 700 AD does this add more common in manuscripts. Of the eleven other manuscripts between 501 and 900 AD at our disposal, five without this phrase. Besides Washington codex, it seems that the variation of this phrase in, very late origin. The manuskripbewyse gives a clear indication that this particular variation is not part of the original autography was.
The second criterion we use to try to determine how such variation video to mp3 may have occurred, by looking at the typical of copiers themselves. One possibility is that this phrase from elsewhere here could have been carried. Earlier in Mark 8:34 we read: "And when the crowd with his disciples together, he saith unto them, Follow me Who wants to come, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. "It can easily happen that a copyist could remember what he had previously written down, and from memory these words might add.
Matthew and Luke both used Mark as their gospels compiled. In their version of what Mark in chapter eight deals pick up both of these words. But in their version of what Mark wrote in chapter ten, fetch one of two this particular phrase at all. Why would both then this phrase outlet, while in the rest of these events Mark almost verbatim quote? There is no rationale why they have this phrase should be omitted. That both Matthew and Luke, this phrase does not contain, is a strong indication that it is not part of Mark was ten when the evangelists Mark did not use.
Jesus clearly this young man reveals that his personal weak point, namely, his confidence video to mp3 in his earthly possessions and wealth. This is what he had to sacrifice. To the cross to take, turn the focus away from the real problem in this man Jesus addressing. video to mp3 It does not fit in this context.
In Mark eight where this phrase is taken, it is of paramount importance. After Peter confessed that Jesus is the anointed one, Jesus makes it clear that his followers, like Jesus himself, also will be prosecuted. "The video to mp3 cross to take" is not only the acceptance of unpleasant circumstances, such as poverty video to mp3 or lack of disease as your cross. This interpretation goes directly to Jesus' call to his burden to take it easy! No, Jesus himself says that "whosoever will save his life will lose it, but whoever gives up his life for my sake and the gospel's sake, will keep them save." It is the same thing that Paul aansny when he Rom.12: 1 we call "give yourselves to God as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing video to mp3 to Him is." In Mark eight match the call to the cross every day to take but not in Mark not ten!
Jesus wanted relying on possessions and wealth in this young man's life

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The woman in adultery. (Joh.7 :53-8: 11) As in virtually all modern translations are also in the Ne

The woman in adultery. (Joh.7 :53-8: 11) As in virtually all modern translations are also in the New Afrikaans Bible a note at the bottom of the front page: "According to the original text used is 7:53 to 8:11 only later inserted . "What are the real facts? The challenge for every believer and specifically the translator of the Word of God, is to determine what is really windows media player given by God as His Word. Nothing less, nothing more. "Sola Scriptura", adulteration and unchanged! Should we keep this section as "Word windows media player of God", or should we as subsequent insertion of some unknown origin and reject outlet? Let us look at the actual windows media player facts of the manuscripts emerge. John 7:53 to 8:11
Possibilities: Included: Left out: Witnesses: Greek: windows media player Marked uncertain else Translations: Church Fathers: Greek: Translations: Church Fathers: 101-200 p66, p75 201-300 Diatessaron windows media player Didascalia Sahidic Clementus, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian 301-400 Vulgate Bohairic Apostolic Constitution, Ambrosiaster, Ambrose א, B, W Old Latin, Syriac 2, Bohairic, Achmimies, Gothic 401-500 D 3 Old Latin, Syriac, Armenian, Etiopies Augustine, Jerome A, C, T Syriac, Armenian, Georgian. Chrysostom, Nonnus, Cyrelius 501-600 Old Latin Old Latin Cosmas N 2 601-700 Old Latin, Syriac manuscript Uncials 1 2 Old Latin EL 701-800, 801-900 Ψ H, K, M, UF, Λ, Π X Y, Δ, Θ 901-1000 G, Γ S 1 Uncials manuscript 1001-1600 15 Minuskules most Byzantine of readers Minuskules 5, f1, f13, 6 Byzantine readers for Old Latin 12 Minuskules Theohpylact 1. External criteria in assessing manuscripts should keep in mind that the New Testament originally written in Greek. Therefore, the Greek manuscripts of the greatest importance. Codex Bezae (D), a manuscript of extraordinary and unique additions readings from the fifth century, and in Basel codex (E), in which the copier itself indicates that he is the authenticity windows media player of this passage doubtful, is the only Greek manuscripts to the section the year 800 AD in the. In contrast missing in twelve uncial Greek manuscripts to 800 AD! What translations are concerned, both are equal numbers, but by inserting five languages represented, versus eight in which it did not. At the Church Fathers refer to this six-part, while ten of which Origen, Chrysostom and Nonnus a verse by verse commentary on the entire New Testament written, do not know it. It is notable that Tatian texts that are easy to manipulate, not in its composite document, the Diatessaron not included. Maybe he does not know me. The facts from the Greek manuscripts, ancient translations and little windows media player indication that the Church Fathers of this periscope was aware, argues strongly against the inclusion of this pericope in the Gospel of John. 2. Internal data. We note the criteria from the copiers themselves. windows media player i) In many manuscripts indicate the copier itself that he authenticity of this periscope doubtful. ii) It comes in various other places in the NT as Joh.7 after 36 or Joh.7: 44, or John. 21:24, or even Luke 21: 38, and Luk.24: 53. iii) Where it stands, it interrupts the conversation Jesus in the temple with the Pharisees feed. There is a break in logic, because each has gone (vs.9) and no one has lived (vs.11), and yet Jesus says to them again (vs.12) Again the facts leaning heavily windows media player against the inclusion of this passage, John. 3. Intrinsic criteria. Here are two cases in point. i) Is the word usage and style in keeping with John? Matthew uses the combination "scribes and Pharisees" in verse 11, Mark and Luke in 3 to 6. The two words come in many different combinations with them. John opposite referred 18 times to "Pharisees" alone in his Gospel, but "Bible scholars" occurs only once in the whole Gospel, viz. HERE. Stylistically it is common that John was a special event follow up with an extensive theological discussion by Jesus, but at this event that cries out for such a discussion, it is missing. This pericope shows every indication that it was not written by John is not. ii) What is more important is whether this event as real "Jesus" could be considered. Everything suggests. No ascetic monk would think of the woman so let light escape! Jesus does not condemn, windows media player but to empower. Jesus gives a second chance, but the onus is on the person. That the intrinsic criteria, it is clear that Though this pericope by Johannse written down, but it is genuine and authentic to Jesus' ministry and approach.
Review: There are serious questions about the origin and position of this passage, the Gospels, or John. There is clear evidence that it was not written by John is not, or part of the original Gospel was. But that is exactly what John says that Isaiah

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Possibilities: Grace: Religion: Witnesses: Greek: Translations: Greek: Translations: texture 101-20

In Hand. 6-7, the martyrdom of Stephen told. Verse five which stated that Stephen as a deacon chosen, said he was "... a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit ..." was. In verse eight different older versions, however, the modern translations. 1933/53 African Old Translation: "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." 1983 New Afrikaans Translation: "Stephen, to whom God's grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. "
Possibilities: Grace: Religion: Witnesses: Greek: Translations: Greek: Translations: texture 101-200 201-300 301-400 Sahidic texture Sense. Bohairic B, Vulgate 401-500 A, D Armenian, Etiopies, Syriac 501-600 601-700 texture 701-800 801-900 Syriac p74 Mut., Por. 901-1600 20 + Minuscules Many Minuscules
Apart from the manuscripts in the table above Metzger two further variations: Codex Laudianus ( 550 AD) combines them together to "... grace and faith ..." while codex Athous Laurae ( 750 AD) "... faith and grace of the Spirit ... "listed.
External criteria: Looking at the manuscripts per se, is found in all five Greek uncial texture manuscripts older than 700 BC, both Alexandrian and Western types of text, the word "grace." This version is supported by more than 20 Greek minuskuls later. Most of the ancient translations, from Egypt, Ethiopia and Syria to Russia and even the Vulgate has "grace". On the other hand we find "faith" in only two Greek uncial manuscripts after 800 AD and Syriac translation of 650 AD Many also let minuskuls "faith". Metzger noted that Chrysostom ( 407 AD) in his commentary on the New Testament had "faith" used. Could it be possible that he had "faith" in verse 5 remember, or did he really a manuscript of this version of him? According to the external data is "grace" before the original word.
Internal criteria: internal investigation to ascertain what in the normal course of Mark's work possible variation was caused. It is very unlikely that the combination texture of the two words oorsronklik could be. Why would two different copiers chose the one "faith" and the other "grace" to maintain and to reject others? Result can only assume that "grace" to "belief" changed, or vice versa. Nothing in this periscope give any reason why such a change would deliberately made it. It was by chance arose. But how? In verse five we read that Stephen texture was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. texture The most likely texture explanation is that a copier "faith" in his mind as he remembered it from his source copy moved to the copy that he was writing down. So he could this happen to variation caused.
Intrinsic criteria from the context which of the two is possible. texture Luke could emphasize Stephen's faith in him martyrdom for his faith in Jesus prepared made. He was also the grace of God over Stephen emphasized that throughout the prosecution process plays a role, and its peak when Stephen finds Jesus at the right hand of God standing, (Hand.7: 56) and Stephen's prayer that Jesus taught his spirit will receive his pursuers had not impute sin not. (Verses 59-60) Although both are possible, the context urges me personally rather more "grace" to elect.
Note: There is no manuskripgronde for the inclusion of God in the verse, as in the 1983 New Afrikaans Bible was done. This effort is to emphasize that Stafanus was full of grace he received from God, and not of grace towards texture his persecutors would not give out. This kind of paraphrasing is usually unnecessary.
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate texture the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and two grand daughters. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

14.1 Sinaitikus; w3c Correction What do you do when you discover that another manuscript yet anothe

14.1 Sinaitikus; w3c Correction What do you do when you discover that another manuscript yet another last verse that does not occur in the bronmanuskrip you just copied w3c it. Eercer as an incomplete work off, add them to as well as you can. This is exactly what happened in the codex Sinaitikus. Only with the advent of modern technologies in the twentieth century, people could see this change, about 16oo years later! We look at the interesting correction w3c of the written text in the conclusion of the Gospel of John. The source that the copier used, at Vs. 24 ended. This is a meaningful end to the Gospel, namely: "This is the disciple who has all these things give evidence and describe it, and we know that his testimony is true." Then the copier, as was the custom, small decoration affixed and the last word is written: "Gospel of John." the copy that he used as a control, had a final verse bygehad. It has all the other manuscripts known to us, agreed. We know it as Vs.25: "There are many other things that Jesus did. But if it one by one to be, I think, would the world not enough room for all the books have. Gospel of John. "The copier his closing words and the little decoration sanitized. Then he taller order be written and decorating w3c repeat, the final words. Under ultra fiolet we can both see clearly ends today. (Click to enlarge) (Left as Sinaïtikus currently looks agent under ultraviolet light, right, I have the letters artificially "clean" so that both ends can be seen.) Note that the comment immediately after the decoration ("Gospel of John" ) not part of the gospel. This is the way documents are then identified, as we earlier today to start doing. In some very old Bibles printed as the Geneva Bible of 1587 and the 1611 King James Bible, these identifications sometimes inserted. I take 2 Cor.13: 14 out of the KJV: "Amen. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians was written w3c from a citie Philippos of Macedonia, by Titus and Lucas. "Despite all the efforts to excellent work and efforts to accuracy errors slipped through unnoticed nagtans. This sometimes caused minor variations, but sometimes screaming mistakes. Variations come in all handwritten documents. The objective study of more than 5,000 Greek manuskripote together with more than 20,000 copies of ancient translations w3c and also numerous quotes by the ancient w3c Church Fathers gdoen, we can outografieë the original with 99% accuracy determined. Study the Bible you prefer, but be open to the reasons why other versions differ. I invite you to make any variations that you worry about them. I promised the facts available are objectively available. The question w3c in your heart may live in a believer. Bless!
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament w3c Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide w3c That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married w3c to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and two grand daughters. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest. Thank you for your contribution. Search for: Topics Alexandrian Text Type Translations Ancient Apocrypha Description vd. Hell watered down? Reliability of Byzantine Text Text Constantin von Tischendorf Type Desiderius Diatessaron Dynamic Equivalent w3c Translation Direct Translation Miscellaneous Dittography detail Doxology first printed Greek NT End of Lord's Prayer External w3c Measures (Data)

Possibilities: Left out: Inserted: Witnesses: Greek: Translations: Church Fathers: Greek: Translati

Matthew tyler the creator 17:21 is later inserted? Why could not the disciples of the devil's son drives tyler the creator it? Jesus has one or two reasons mentioned? In older versions like the 1933/53 Old Afrikaans Translation and the KJV there were two reasons: Mat.17 :20-21: "By your 1) unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there! and it shall remove, tyler the creator and nothing shall be impossible to you. But this kind goeth not out but by 2) prayer tyler the creator and fasting. "Modern translations like the New 1983 African Bible and the NIV mentions only the first reason, namely:" tyler the creator disbelief ".
Possibilities: Left out: Inserted: Witnesses: Greek: Translations: Church Fathers: Greek: Translations: Church Fathers: Diatessaron 101-200 201-300 301-400 * Origen Sahidic tyler the creator Sense. B 2 Syriac, Bohairic Eusebius tyler the creator W 1 Old Latin Vulgate, Hilary, Basil, Ambrose 1 401-500 Old Latin, Syriac 1, Georgian C, D 4 Old Latin, Syriac, Armenian Augustine, Chrysostom * 501-600 1 Old Latin 601 - 700 4 Old Latin, Syriac 701-800 L 801-900 Cor., 33, 1 Minuscule K, X, Sang., Petro. 1 Minuscule tyler the creator 1 901-1000 1 Old Latin Old Latin Reader for 1001-1600 Etiopies 2 f1, f13, 28, 17 Minuscules 1 Old Latin, Etiopies
External factors. First, we consider the external tyler the creator criteria that the manuscripts themselves. Codices and Sinaïtikus Vatikanus, tyler the creator both about 350 AD does not contain v. 21 no. Washington Codex ( 50 yrs later) it does contain is a codex whose source apparently composed of several fragments of manuscripts after Diocletian Christianity would destroy all their documents by burning. The great majority of later manuscripts do contain this verse. tyler the creator Ancient translations provide further information. Translations spread from Egypt and Ethiopia, Syria, Georgia, between the Black and Caspian tyler the creator seas, and even in Europe Old Latin translations, tyler the creator does not contain this verse. On the other hand, it is mainly in Old Latin manuscripts tyler the creator and the Vulgate found, but also in Syria, Russia and Ethiopia. What value do we attach to the fact that the oldest versions, as well as with the widest geographical spread was the verse in it?
Internal factors. How would a copier problem of two different versions are normally handled? To ensure tyler the creator that no part of the original autography could be inadvertently left out could be the copiers rather words or phrases which doubt, inserted. Therefore, subsequent manuscripts often long and extensive. A document immediately the inclusion tyler the creator of this verse suspect, is the Diatessaron ( 170 AD). Tatian of Syria has an ongoing story of the four Gospels compiled. It was very popular, possibly because one document instead of all four Gospels would contain. Because of its wide distribution could easily serve as a control document at which copies of the Gospels tyler the creator compare and adapted. From such a compound document could sentences related to each other have easily inserted as possible in this case maybe from Mark 9:29.
Intrinsic criteria: In verse 20 Jesus gives a detailed explanation of why the disciples' lack of faith they had prevented the devil from the boy to drive. Mark calls again the importance of prayer. If this verse from Mark to Matthew inserted, it is actually on its own. The uniqueness and authenticity of an eyewitness does not come from any witness that same would remember. Maintain the unique differences rather confirmed the authenticity of the evidence. The effect tyler the creator of these words in Matthew: tyler the creator
The healing of this boy in three Gospels recorded. The detail is broadly consistent. Luke (37-43) deal not at all the question of why the disciples could not cast out the devil not. He attributed the disciples' failure to a lack of prayer. In Matthew we find the reason as lack of faith. Matthew's tyler the creator unique description of faith and apply the mustard seed is found in Luke 17:6 where it is joined by a number of detached sayings tyler the creator of Jesus recorded. That each Evangelist mentions his eyewitness recall, and then the other would not, explain precisely the authenticity of the report. The harmonization of facts is not necessary. tyler the creator
About Herman or The Reasons tyler the creator for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a mail

Monday, January 27, 2014

7) MS. 700; (1050-1150 AD.) Contains the Gospels. This difference of 2.724 times the printed text w

This text type may have originated in Egypt and by Origen brought to Caesarea. From there it to Jerusalem, then to the Armeniane at that early stage, a colony had in Jerusalem. Many of the manuscripts of this text type also called "Jerusalem Colophon" open office in. It is said that the manuscript was copied and corrected with "ancient manuscripts in Jerusalem". This label is so in at least twelve copies following enrolled, although they certainly are not controlled either! Such a label to help identify text type and is further proof that additions, changes or deletions of one manuscript to the next is. Therefore, open office variations weighed rather than the number of manuscripts that contain the variation counted. Of Jerusalem is an manuscript of this text type to Georgia, and used as the basis for the translation for the Georgians. This text type is the most mixed text type. The original author of the Alexandrian open office text in principle because, while it retains some Western readings is not too unlikely that seemed. It also shows a definite open office desire for elegance. The main witnesses of this text type is: 1) Papyrus 45, 200-250 AD. It contains parts of all four gospels. (Acts in the Alexandrian Text Type as above.) 2) Washington Codex (W) 375-425 AD. Contains the Gospels where parts Different types of texts represented as explained above. 3) Codex Koridethi (θ) 850 AD. Contains the Gospels. It is written in a rough uneven open office script by a copier that is clearly not familiar with Greek. In Mark voice text matches the text type of Caesarea (Caesarean) by Origen (Died on 254) and Eusebius (Date of death 339) was used. The other gospels in the Byzantine text type. 4) Family 1 (1150-1350 AD.) Minuscule manuscripts Nos. 1, 118, 131, 209, and several others, are all consistent with codex Koridethi (θ), where Mark is a text type represented during the third and fourth centuries was used in Caesarea. 5) Family 13 (1050-1450 AD.) Minuscule manuscripts open office Nos. 13, 69, 124 and 346 together with at least eight other minuscule open office manuscripts of this family. They all had the incident with the strange open office woman to Joh.7: 52, but according to Luke 21:38. 6) MS. 565, (850-950 AD.) Contains the Gospels. This is one of the most beautiful manuscripts, written in gold letters on purple Vellum. In Mark represents the Caesarea text type. It is in the Library of Leningrad.
7) MS. 700; (1050-1150 AD.) Contains the Gospels. This difference of 2.724 times the printed text which the King James translation was made and 270 unique open office lectures. Together with No.162 open office manuscript has the words: "Your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us" instead of "Thy Kingdom come" in the Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:2). Are preserved in the British Museum, London. The New African Translation (1983) also shows pursuit of elegance and sometimes translated several verses together for the sake of being easier to understand. (Vg. Rom. 9:11-13) The difference is that in the Caesarea-text type, the Greek text, adapted, and not merely a translation of it. Bless Herman. See also: Translations with preconceived aim of Origin NT, Inspiration by Duplication Spirit of Ancient Manuscripts Translations and Kervaders Mark 11:26; Forgiveness
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer open office ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and two grand daughters. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" or "born from above"

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How do you judge the value of a manuscript where many obvious errors? The purpose of investigating

In this excerpt from a section of a column from the Codex Sinaïtikus I have three lines with red circle that contains exactly site du zero the same letters. In this post we discuss the possibility of an error that can occur when the eye from one part to another "jump". This can cause the part between omitted (haplography) or duplicated (Dittography).
In 1Jn.2: 23 the words "... whom the Son acknowledged, recognized the Father site du zero ..." is omitted from the source from which the Dutch Statenvertaling and 1933/53 African text translated. The KJV reads: "Whoever denies the Son has not the Father." The ANV has the full text: "Who does not recognize the Son reject also the Father who is the Son acknowledged, recognized the Father."
In the King James it in later editions added. This error occurred because the two consecutive sentences with the same words end, viz. "... The Father." This is a clear case maybe of haplography in Erasmus's first printed Greek text.
This type of error is easily recognized and declared. The missing words then from other manuscripts is supplemented. This creates a composite text. Bible Societies rather use a composite text as a single manuscript as source text.
How do you judge the value of a manuscript where many obvious errors? The purpose of investigating any text to the original wording to fix. If there are errors like typos, exchange of letters, or haplography Dittography in a document can be easily identified. The important thing is that the text be there, along with the logic in consideration of obvious errors, we still closer to the document in which it was written off.
The value of a manuscript is not neat or excellence of the particular copier, but getting closer to the source site du zero text. When a particular verse or part of a verse not in the document, and there is no logical explanation as haplography for exhaust it can not be given, site du zero it must be accepted that it is not in the parent document has come . When it is found that all the documents before a certain date a particular verse in it, while many documents of a later date have such a verse is, with reasonable certainty that this verse later inserted. A case in point is the fact that only a single handwritten manuscript of the Greek New Testament, minuscule 629 (aside Greek, Latin on the facing page) of time between 1300 to 1400 the first part of Hand.9: 6. ("It is hard for thee to kick the pricks.") The same manuscript, not in the Latin. site du zero It is included in the printed Greek editions of Erasmus. Hence, in most older translations of the time after the Reformation ended. It is clear that these words Luke in Acts 9 wrote, but in Hand.26: 14. Hence the copier miniscule manuscript of 629 in Acts 9 carried. We discuss this in more detail later text.
What a wonderful privilege in modern times in which we live all the variations over the years in copying or printing of the Bible originated, can be studied. It helps us to get closer site du zero to the exact words that come to God for letting us write it!
About Herman or site du zero The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established site du zero without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed site du zero decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest site du zero friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up site du zero Support ( site du zero a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest. Thank you

Constantine the Great, approximately AD 331 an order by Eusebius of Siseria (Caesarea) placed for

Initially, each had a copy of any documents from the Bible wanted it yourself or copy of a vocational afskrywer or copier youtube to video purchase. Being a copy to make many of the required copier. He had fine read, and well remember while back and forth between youtube to video its source and its manuscript copy move. Then he had accurately recalled in the source text, and write it correctly. A Legible handwriting was also essential.
After the copy is completed, it is the copier's caretaker checked and the source manuscript compare. Any corrections or copier by itself or by its caretaker youtube to video affixed. This way is intended to provide a flawless copy. Anyone who was already youtube to video trying to copy something it knows how easily a slip error, and how often one's own mistakes do not see.
It is understandable that someone at a later stage two texts under eyes, which is different, a choice had to make which one would be correct. He then "corrections" in a document is to bring it in line with the other copy to bring. To make sure that nothing is lost it, is usually rather be written that would possibly "missing", as something by quoting or scratching. But how do you choose between synonyms? You write better in the second, not so! This caused additional documents sometimes words gained and length. So it happens that in the older manuscripts even four or more korrektors, hundreds of years apart, can be indicated. Of greatest importance is that the original document is closest to the document that was initially available. Subsequent "corrections" youtube to video to the document precisely because it distorts the mistakes of another manuscript in this manuscript was older Indra!
A codex was a very expensive book. The cost of parchment, the preparation youtube to video of the pages with the marking and making skryflyntjies, the copy of the Bible and the final binding of such a manuscript, it is a very expensive book made. For a complete codex of the Old and New Testaments is a copier about 30,000 denarii youtube to video paid. It was about as much as a Roman legionary (except for his livelihood) in forty years would have earned!
Over time professional kopieersentrums established. There was several copies simultaneously made. In these centers, a number of writers wrote down an official reader read. Now listen carefully and had a clear mind also necessary to distinguish between words that sound the same to distinguish.
Constantine the Great, approximately AD 331 an order by Eusebius of Siseria (Caesarea) placed for "fifty parchment codices youtube to video of high quality". He needed it for his newly founded churches. Such a large order was only a copy service performed.
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families youtube to video struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest. Thank you for your contribution. Search for: Topics Alexandrian Text Type Translations Ancient Apocrypha Description vd. Hell watered down? Reliability of Text Byzantine Text Type Constantin von Tischendorf Desiderius Diatessaron Dynamic Equivalent translation Direct translation Dittography Diverse detail Doxology first printed Greek NT End of Lord's Prayer External Measures (Data) Angel Choir Erasmus Eugene Nida Eusebiese Canons Evaluation: benchmarks Gospel of Philip prayer and fasting Genesis 1 G

Saturday, January 25, 2014

About Herman or The Reasons for the differences mp4 player between older Bible

23.4. Byzantine Text Type. The Byzantine text type is based on the harmonization that Lucian of Antioch about AD 310. prepared. He and his helpers have deliberately different elements of the earlier text types combined. The Greek Orthodox Church has a manuscript of this text to make copies for their churches to make. This caused a lot of copies of this text type is made. The question now arises whether many copies of a manuscript should weigh heavier than copy of a manuscript of a different text type.
In the light of the secondary origin of the text type as a whole, investigators considered the New Testament, and most Bible Societies rather than less value. The main witnesses of this text type is: 1) Codex Alexandrinus (A) ( 450 AD.) Does the Old Testament and most of the New Testament. In 1627 Cyril Lucar, Patriarch of deliverance tinopel it to King Charles 1 of England gift. It is in the British Museum, London mp4 player store. In the Gospels it is the oldest witness of the Byzantine Text Type. The rest of the New Testament represents the Alexandrian Text type and was possibly from another source copied. Contains all the gospels and is dated in the ninth century, except for P in the sixth. 4) Codex Washington (W), (375-425 mp4 player AD.) Contains the gospels where sections representing different text types, as mentioned above. Matthew and Lk.8 :13-24: 53 represents the Byzantine text type. , 2) basiliensis Codex (E) ( 750 AD.) Contains the Gospels. Store in the University of Basel. 3) Codices F, G, H, K, P, S, V, 5) Codex 049 ( 850 AD.) Contains Acts and Paul's epistles. 6) Codices 046, 051 and 052; tenth century, contains Revelation. 7) Most minuscule manuscripts represent the Byzantine text type and dating to the ninth century. 8.) The first printed Greek text by Desiderius Erasmus in 1516 published, later known as the Textus Receptus, is regarded as the final form of the text type. Yet Erasmus's text almost 2000 differences from the standard Byzantine text.
Because Erasmus' printed Greek text as easy to come by, and so widespread was it as source served for most translations after 1516 made from, like the King James translation, the Dutch Statenvertaling and the 1933/53 Old Afrikaans Translation. The problem is that Erasmus's text is based on only six manuscripts (Different parts vd. NT) this text type all the time from 1200 to 1500 AD dates. They contain virtually all of the changes made by the centuries. Because we have become accustomed to these translations, any correction back to the original Outografieë easily seen as deviations from the "true word of God slots". The truth is that Erasmus's text rather the deviation. mp4 player Let us rather accept the Word of God as He originally given, "and require as newborn babes, the pure milk of the word." (1Pet2 2) I prefer a position that corresponds with Paul when he was 2 Cor. 4:2 declares: "We are not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God, but to bring the truth to light ..." Be blessed! mp4 player Herman. See also: Origin of NT, Inspiration by Holy Spirit First Century Checking The Canon Duplication of Manuscripts The Printed Greek Text
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences mp4 player between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated mp4 player me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. mp4 player I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts mp4 player of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established mp4 player without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families struggling mp4 player with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
Name (required) mp4 player
New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest.

The oldest (p 52) can be dated at the time of Trajan. (98-117 AD.) Although this fragment only Joh.

Parchment made of animal skins, have been as far back as 2600vC. in Egypt during the Fourth Dynasty use. Papyrus has the more common writing material became. At about 200vC. is exporting avidemux papyrus avidemux to the Greek world temporarily prevented, and a large industry in Pergamum parchment origin, from where we get the name of parchment. Parchment is still used for scrolls, but because it is more expensive than papyrus, it was mainly for documents for a long time had to keep using. So the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Old Testament writings mainly on scrolls copied. That's after all what Paul is expected in 2Tim.4: 13 references when he asked Timothy to (books and scrolls), "... especially the parchments" together.
At the beginning of the Christian era was the papyrus scroll as well as common as writing material. Each role was usually about 10m. ( 35 ft.) Long and was a document of the length of a gospel contains. That's why the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles as two separate documents are written, not as one. Similarly, the letters of Paul in a scroll avidemux collect, so also the letters and the letter to the Hebrews. The Revelation of John as a single document written down.
In the beginning was the gospel relevant use in the region for which it was written. Mark was probably in Rome, Italy used; Matthew in the greater Syria by the Greeks, Luke and Acts in Greece and Asia Minor, and John in the Johannine churches.
By the end of the first century or early second century, the codex or book out that to a large extent the papyrus and parchment rolls replaced. Very soon the Christians the codex over the scroll elected for ao the following reasons: 1) Although it was difficult on the back of papyrus to write because of the vertical grain, both sides could still be used. It was a huge financial advantage. 2) The codex was more compact. Consequently, all the Gospels or even the entire Bible in one volume is copied instead of a large number avidemux of scrolls. 3) It was easier to compare different writings avidemux or advice avidemux as there was no need for all the roll to the appropriate Bible to roll. 4) It is also their autonomy, separate from Judaism, concretely confirmed.
Over time, the various books of the New Testament, and collected as a whole in a codex or book duplicated. This has resulted in the different books in codex collected, characteristics avidemux that differ. So show Koridethi codex of the ninth century, typical avidemux features in Mark of the text, in Caesarea. The other gospels are characteristic of Antioch's text.
Because papyrus at the beginning as the more common writing material for copies of the New Testament, the papyrus documents that have survived, of particular value. It represents, after all, our oldest witnesses of the New Testament. More than 81 papyrus testimony of the New Testament avidemux is currently known to us. They date mostly from the second to fifth centuries.
The oldest (p 52) can be dated at the time of Trajan. (98-117 AD.) Although this fragment only Joh.18 :31-33 and 37-38, is irrefutable proof that John not only after 160 originated, as some researchers previously claimed.
Due to the perishable nature of papyrus, we did not complete testimony of the New Testament avidemux papyrus no. Of most have only fragments remained. Their value as the oldest and therefore the closest to the original manuscripts, however, is incalculable. They serve as witnesses to later, more complete texts to compare, and so to determine correctness.
By AD 200, parchment avidemux (and more expensive finer form or vellum vellum called) almost completely papyrus as writing material for the copy of the Bible replaced. It was more durable and both sides of the page was more suited to writing. Most witnesses of the New Testament is written on parchment, some also contain the Old Testament and also some apocryphal books.
Until the tenth century, all important documents in the uncial font, comparable to our capitals, written. Approximately 200 uncials testimonies are fully studied avidemux and evaluated. avidemux It forms the main body of which a basic Greek text compiled. This text is currently the most modern Bible Societies for translations.
Since parchment was so expensive, it is not discarded when a new copy of the parent document is made. The old parchment is usually scraped and washed, avidemux and then use a different document to write about it. Sometimes it is used in the binding of another codex. Fortunately, avidemux today these perkam

Friday, January 24, 2014

About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the

23.3. The Western Text Type. This text type is considered "... an Undisciplined 'wild' growth or manuscript tradition and translational activity." (BMMetzger, The Text of the New Testament, p.213). These copies have spread widely, not only in North Africa, Italy and France, but also in Egypt and in the East. Although most scholars this text type as many considered corrupt, it is possible that the original text is preserved where it was lost in different auto joiner text types. Because the New Testament writings initially than word spake unto seen before, people with confidence and adjustments made changes that they thought could be of value. This text type were probably used by Marcion but by Tatian. Tatian with his mix of all four Gospels into one continuous narrative own numerous changes have been made in many of the Syriac manuscripts and especially the Byzantine text type inroads. It is called the Diatessaron. The main witnesses of this text type is: 1) Codex Bezae (D), (450-550 AD.) Contains most of the four Gospels, Acts, and a fragment of 3 John. This is a diglot (two languages) in Greek on the left and right Latin. No other text has as many and such extraordinary variations and free additions or omissions of words, sentences or even events. In Luke's account of the institution of the Eucharist, all references to the second cup is removed, (Luke 22:20) auto joiner that a reverse order of the first result the wine, then bread. In Acts there are so many reviews that nearly a tenth longer than any other witness! 2) Codex Washington (W), (375-425 AD.) Contains the gospels where sections representing different text types, as mentioned above. 3) Codex Claromontanus (Dp) ( 550 AD.) It contains the Pauline epistles, including Hebrews. It is the same way compiled with the same characteristics as Codex Bezae. The work of at least 9 korrektors is identified. Codex Sangermanensis (Ep) is a copy of Claromon Tanús from the ninth or tenth century, and has no independent value. 4) MS 383, 1250 AD. Contains the Acts in Western text type, Pauline and General epistles in the Alexandrian text type as mentioned above. Kept in the Bodley Library, Oxford. Because this type of text in manuscripts copied widely distributed, it has also translated into many old Latin translations. Modern textual criticism takes into account all the manuscripts. So are obvious changes or adjustments identified and eliminated. auto joiner Be blessed! Herman. See also: Direct Translation Manuscripts Harmoniërings miniscule changes Solving History and Geography Questions Prayer and Fasting?
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts auto joiner of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? auto joiner Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" auto joiner or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest. Thank you for your contribution. Search for: Topics Alexandrian Text Type Translations Ancient Apocrypha Description vd. Hell watered down? Reliability of Text Byzantine Text Type Constantin von Tischendorf Desiderius Diatessaron Dynamic Equivalent translation auto joiner Direct translation Dittography Diverse detail Doxology first printed Greek NT End of Lord's Prayer External Measures (Data) Angel Choir Erasmus Eugene Nida Eusebiese Canons Evaluation: benchmarks Gospel of Philip prayer and fasting auto joiner Genesis 1 Glos Handling Differences haplography Ha

About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the

Codex Sinaiticus, א is a Greek codex Uncials both the Old and New Testaments, as well as some apocryphal writings. It dates from about 350 AD The New Testament in an excellent example of the Alexandrian text type. This is by far considered the best witness of the New Testament. Dr.. Constantine von Tischendorf, a lecturer at the University of Leipzig, the Monastery of St.. Catherine at Mount Sinai in 1844, looking for ancient manuscripts. In a bin for the fireplace was destined, he discovered 43 perkamentbladsye. It comes from the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the OT. He was allowed to take it, and published it as Codex Frederico-Augustanus. During a subsequent visit in 1853, he could find no more, but his third visit in 1859 he received a copy of his published codex to the main caretaker of the monastery gift. The him his ancient codex form. Tischendorf it through the night studying. He wanted to buy it, but was refused.
He had the next day to Cairo, where he heads the monastery met by him and the manuscript sent for. There he and a German pharmacist and a bookseller within two months more than 110,000 lines of manuscript copied. With the help of the Czar of Russia, then the patron of the Greek Orthodox Church, the codex to the Tsar gift in exchange for substantial financial gifts and decorations given to senior effect staff of the monastery. The codex was then taken to Russia. A copy of fonts created so close to the display of Sinaiticus, effect is published in 1862. In 1933, the British Museum, London, with the help of the state and private donors managed the Sinaiticus for 1000 from Russia for sale. Initially Sinaiticus complete Old and New Testaments, as well as some apocryphal books. effect Parts of the Old Testament has been lost. The New Testament is still intact, neatly written in uncial script, beautifully made and fully legible. Unfortunately, the copier superficial mistakes. Fortunately, the source copy from which he copied, yet clearly researched as an early example of the Alexandrian text type. Normally two types korrektors in a manuscript identified. The first corrections before the document leaves the copy center, either by the copier itself, or by its caretaker. The second type is someone at a later stage, the document has to adapt to the copy he at that time with him. In the Sinaiticus, at least four subsequent korrektors indicated. Ireneus which 202 died, has been a fervent prayer expressed that future copiers not the content of the documents must be changed. For the determination of the original autography is the original wording of the manuscript of the utmost importance, and not the adjustments that even hundreds of years later was made.
This codex in the British Museum, London store. Because of its great importance worldwide, the entire codex currently on the internet available effect and page by page study by
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles effect like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, effect so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
You are commenting using your Google+ effect account. (Log Out / Change)
New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born effect again" or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest. Thank you for your contribution. Search for: Topics Alexandrian Text Type Translations Ancient Apocrypha

Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Tranströmer's codex |
Footnote men, not headlines. I found myself in the dark depth that would have been my right hand shone like a torch it. The light falls on something written on the wall and I see it as a diver named on the sunken hull naderflikker see in the flowing depth: ADAM ILEBORGH 1448. Who? He is the organ his clumsy wings stretch out and let come up - and it took almost a minute remained floating. photoscape What a successful experiment! Written on the wall: MAYONE, DAUTHENDEY, Kaminski ... the light falls on the one name to another. The walls are fully written. It is almost erased the names of artists Footnote men, the unplayed, photoscape the half-forgotten, the immortal unknowns. For a moment I believed all of them whisper their names together - whisper to whisper to a breaking wave along the corridor collapsed photoscape but no one knocked or not. It brackets no longer a thoroughfare. Another cemetery nor a marketplace but a bit of both. It is like a greenhouse. Many oxygen here. The footnotes's dead can breathe deeply, they remain in the previous photoscape ecosystem. But there is much that they escape! They are saved to the morality of power to swallow, they are the black-and-white box saved game where the stench photoscape of dead bodies is the only thing that will never die. They are rehabilitated. And those who can not take it do not stop giving. They have radiant and sombre photoscape tapestry partly rolled and later released. Some are anonymous, they are my friends but I do not know them, they are people photoscape like that stone carved on tombstones in old churches. Soft and rigid walls reliëwe in which we shed, figures and names in the sunken stone floors, on the way to extinction. But those who actually removed from the list would be ... they do not stay in the footnotes's environment, they walk down the descending path that ends in obscurity and peace. Perfect oblivion. It is a kind of examination that is conducted in silence over the border without anyone noticed it ...
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

With regard to the volume in general is building the poems that most obstacles, or simply put, how

Versindaba Blog Archive Review: Codex (Nini Bennett)
The anthology of a debutant approach you like a surprise package, without aangekorste expectations about a poet's touch, thematic or abilities, and eager to see a new tablet describes the scale. All of you know that Bennett has for her short story collection (Disorder, 2002) is awarded, living poetry still a game of a totally kmplayer different nature.
The experienced reader comes within the scope of the first few pages back or bundle the arrival of a true poet sinjaleer, kmplayer and if you so to speak "the soap in the guest room heard crack" to get to the poet Wessel Pretorius borrowing . You forgive initially striking technical disturbances, it is indeed a newcomer here is speaking. And you always keep an open mind, because in the course of the collection a hit or two may occur. kmplayer
With the spotlight of literary criticism in the hand, and a nice shot compassion in the glass, looking reviewer for evidence of craftsmanship. But what is it that a poem his magic gives? The answer (s) this would be a hefty manual-consuming, but in summary, one can say that a poem when the poet passes lead you (no, far leads) to a piece of reality as appalling, kmplayer fascinating kmplayer or moving to experience, and it happens when the mind content styled and structured poem that give you goose bumps, or heartbeat belly, or a lump in the throat. This process passes only when certain poet-known pitfalls and a whole range of poetic techniques and machinations mastered.
Not all are debutants stars, though in recent years many of them poetic trans appears. You might think to Melt Myburgh, Martina Klopper, Andrew Samuel and several satellites in their proximity. Yet among novice poets also those who do flashing here and there, but not lasting and bright kmplayer shining. So someone kmplayer is Nini Bennettt. Many of her poems gives evidence of word sensitivity and / or images become courageous taaleksperimente kmplayer and / or interesting topics. It helps her with parts of a verse the mast to come. For example, I liked the made-naive style and content "car guard" (26), but a few questions about the flow and rhythm, and repetition woordordening in the margin. It was in fact my reaction to every verse in the anthology. The above poem is quoted here:
seeped through the thin cordage of his body
taalpuris and practitioner kmplayer
With regard to the volume in general is building the poems that most obstacles, or simply put, how the poems put together. The poet must words with the utmost select and combine, repeat nothing gratuitous, not contrived word combinations conceive, stay-known of "poetic" words or other clichés and abstractions used sparingly. The words chosen should sensibly be used so that the rules are not a clumsy, inept or aanmekaargelaste not impress.
The bundle's persistent mineurtoon, together with the recurring motifs of death, suffering and loss, bring on the duration kmplayer a tedious reading experience with. It would be a unifying kmplayer procedé could be, but too many verses is marred by repeated references to things like tears, burning candles, mirrors, longing and sorrow - the last two (and more) with each name is called, instead of the only emotion to suggest. "One wonders why the poet is no longer self-criticism applied by the excess of adjectives deletion, because redundancy creates the impression that the poet does not have faith in the strength kmplayer of its core words.
Bennett nevertheless kmplayer an interesting title for her chosen bundle. Heineman's statement word for "codex" reads: "Old handwriting or manuscript, especially from the Bible or from ancient writings on papyrus and parchment later". According to the WHO, the Latin word codex a variant of caudex, a tree stump which offenders in ancient Rome tied. The title creates the expectation that the closer her verses, and the things that happens when such a document or "codex" offering. The word "code" sounds also would agree, and probably the lives grief codes as seen here with a deeper meaning, the poet often geared to the Christian faith. The mauve cover has called a sense of grief and loss, while the sketch of a head with downcast eyes omswagtel with something like mortgages which the word "codex" in three places legible. It seems as if the hands are busy mortgages pick - possibly a

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

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[DVDRip] Superfly - GIVE ME TEN! ! ! ! ! Jpfiles | jpfiles get your daily japanese tv show, japanese dvd and japanese music
曲目 リスト 1.ハロー ハロー 2. Hi-Five 3.マニフェスト 4.恋する 瞳 は 美しい 5. 1969 6.凛 7. Secret typo Garden typo 8. Nitty Gritty 9.アイデンティティ の 行方 10. Deep-sea Fish Orchestra 11. My Best Of My Life 12.タマ シイ レボリューション 13.平成 ホモ サピエンス 14. How Do I survive? 15.嘘 と ロマンス 16. Get High! アドレナリン ~ ~ 17. Alright! 18. Force 19.輝く月のように 20.スタンディング オベーション 21. BEEP! (Encore) 22.愛 を こめ て 花束 を (Encore) 23. Rollin 'Days (Encore) sfly_giveme10.part3.rar.html http://ryushare .com/w0zv2xwab8b8/sfly_giveme10.part4.rar typo (Pass = jpfiles) Tweet
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Categories Japanese (6210) Japanese Anime (308) Japanese Drama (386) Japanese DVD-ISO (2195) DVD-Rip Japanese (999) Japanese Movie (1460) Japanese Music Albums (22) Japanese Music Singles (19) Japanese Performance Cuts ( 1) Japanese Promotional Video (31) Japanese Transport Stream Show (9) Japanese TV Music (1136) Japanese TV Show (472) Korean (374) Korean Drama (196) Korean DVD-ISO (73) Korean typo DVD-Rip (31) Korean Movie (57) Korean MV (1) Korean Performance Cuts (31) Korean TV Show (2) Uncategorized (73)
Archives January 2014 (312) December 2013 (412) November 2013 (381) October 2013 (409) September 2013 (519) August 2013 (346) July 2013 (327) June 2013 (260) May 2013 (291) April 2013 (253 ) March 2013 (257) February 2013 (184) January 2013 (234) December 2012 (147) November 2012 (150) October 2012 (170) September 2012 (190) August 2012 (164) July 2012 (141) June 2012 (223 ) May 2012 (266) April 2012 (277) March 2012 (234) February 2012 (154) January 2012 (307)
Network - [MP4] 全部 竞 泳 水 着 Blu-ray NEXT 末永 みゆ 美咲姫 (2013.06.15) [MP4] Runa Sakurai 桜 井 瑠 菜 - ルナティック ドール (2013.07.19) [MP4] Yuri Sawai 沢井 ゆり - クラス の センター!! (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Runa Sakurai typo 桜 井 瑠 菜 - ルナティック ドール (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Asuka Kishi 岸 明日香 - ふわふわ ドロップス (2013.07.18) [DVDISO] Yuri Sawai 沢井 ゆり - クラス の センター!! (2013.07.19) [MP4] Hikari Aizawa 亜 沢 光 - petit mini aile 2 (2013.07.13)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Network - [MP4] 全部 竞 泳 水 着 Blu-ray NEXT 末永 みゆ 美咲姫 (2013.06.15) [MP4] Runa Sakurai 桜 井 瑠

Random TV Show & DVDRip 2013-10-02jpfiles | jpfiles get your daily japanese tv show, japanese dvd and japanese logos music
Release Information: 0374 - 130921 Sekai Fushigi Hakken! logos (Orii Ayumi, Serina). Mp4 0375 - 130924 Kamisama Berea north-Bo - Tezuka Osamu north Jack Black Sosaku Hiwa (Oshima Yuko). Mp4 0376 - Konya Kurabete Mimashita.mp4 0377 130924 - 130929 Nogizaka46 - Nogizakatte Doko ep103.mp4 0378 - 131001 SKE48 north Sekai Seifuku Joshi Season 2 ep27 (1280 720 H264). MKV 0379 - Omoidaseru Kimitachi e - 2013-05-04 S3rd (Seifuku north May) Day stage.mp4 0380 - SKE48 - Oshaberi yatte maasu Dai 48 housou 3rd 130930 ep21.mkv
Categories Japanese logos (6209) Japanese Anime (308) Japanese Drama (386) Japanese logos DVD-ISO (2195) DVD-Rip Japanese (999) Japanese Movie (1460) Japanese Music Albums (22) Japanese Music Singles (19) Japanese Performance Cuts ( 1) Japanese Promotional Video (31) Japanese Transport Stream Show (9) Japanese TV Music (1136) Japanese TV Show (471) Korean (374) Korean Drama (196) Korean DVD-ISO (73) Korean DVD-Rip (31) Korean Movie (57) Korean MV (1) Korean Performance Cuts (31) Korean TV Show (2) Uncategorized (73)
Archives January 2014 (311) December logos 2013 (412) November 2013 (381) October 2013 (409) September 2013 (519) August 2013 (346) July 2013 (327) June 2013 (260) May 2013 (291) April 2013 (253 ) March 2013 (257) February 2013 (184) January 2013 (234) December 2012 (147) November 2012 (150) October 2012 (170) September 2012 (190) August 2012 (164) July 2012 (141) June 2012 (223 ) May 2012 (266) April 2012 (277) March 2012 (234) February logos 2012 (154) January 2012 (307)
Network - [MP4] 全部 竞 泳 水 着 Blu-ray NEXT 末永 みゆ 美�� (2013.06.15) [MP4] Runa Sakurai � 井 � 菜 - ルナティック ド�ル (2013.07.19) [MP4] Yuri Sawai �井 ゆり - クラス の センタ�!! (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Runa Sakurai � 井 � 菜 - ルナティック ド�ル (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Asuka Kishi 岸 明日香 - ふわふわ ドロップス (2013.07.18) [DVDISO] Yuri Sawai �井 ゆり - クラス の センタ�!! (2013.07.19) [MP4] Hikari Aizawa � � 光 - petit mini aile 2 (2013.07.13) logos

Sunday, January 19, 2014

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[DVDRip] ピコ LIVE TOUR 2011 ~ ~ 1PIKO "ピコ の 夏 祭り" (2011/12/21) jpfiles | jpfiles get your daily japanese tv show, japanese dvd and japanese music
曲目 リスト 1. Opening 2. Rebirth 3. Main dish 4.飴 か 夢 5.ニ 息 歩行 6. Story 7.孤独 の 冠 8.勿忘 草 9.恋しく て 10.证 11. Rollin'Merry Go Round 12.言葉 メテオ 13.ピコピコ レジェンド オブザ ナイト 14. Infinity space (encore) 15. Shooting Star (encore) 16.桜 音 (encore) 17.タナトス (Encore) mkv
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Categories mkv Japanese (6193) Japanese Anime (308) Japanese Drama (385) Japanese DVD-ISO mkv (2188) DVD-Rip Japanese (999) Japanese Movie (1457) Japanese Music Albums (22) Japanese Music Singles (19) Japanese Performance Cuts ( 1) Japanese Promotional Video (31) Japanese Transport mkv Stream Show (9) Japanese TV Music (1132) Japanese TV Show (470) Korean (374) Korean Drama (196) Korean DVD-ISO (73) Korean DVD-Rip (31) Korean Movie (57) Korean MV (1) Korean Performance Cuts (31) Korean TV Show (2) Uncategorized (71)
Archives January 2014 (293) December 2013 (412) November 2013 (381) October 2013 (409) September 2013 (519) August 2013 (346) July 2013 (327) June 2013 (260) May 2013 (291) April 2013 (253 ) March 2013 (257) February mkv 2013 (184) January 2013 (234) December 2012 (147) November 2012 (150) October 2012 (170) September 2012 (190) August 2012 (164) July 2012 (141) June 2012 (223 ) May 2012 (266) April 2012 (277) March 2012 (234) February 2012 (154) January 2012 (307)
Network - [MP4] 全部 竞 泳 水 着 Blu-ray NEXT 末永 みゆ 美咲姫 (2013.06.15) [MP4] Runa Sakurai 桜 井 瑠 菜 - ルナティック ドール (2013.07.19) [MP4] Yuri Sawai 沢井 ゆり - クラス の センター!! (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Runa Sakurai 桜 井 瑠 菜 - ルナティック ドール (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Asuka Kishi 岸 明日香 - ふわふわ ドロップス (2013.07.18) [DVDISO] Yuri Sawai 沢井 ゆり - クラス の センター!! (2013.07.19) [MP4] Hikari Aizawa 亜 沢 光 - petit mini aile 2 (2013.07.13)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Release Information: 1245 - [DVD] north Gaki Tsukai - DVD Vol. 5 [2005.06.29] 1246 - [DVD] GARNET C

Random DVDRip DVDRip 1245-1248jpfiles | jpfiles get your daily japanese tv show, japanese dvd and japanese music
Release Information: 1245 - [DVD] north Gaki Tsukai - DVD Vol. 5 [2005.06.29] 1246 - [DVD] GARNET CROW - Are You Ready To Lock On livescope at the JCB Hall [2009.05.20] 1247 - [DVD] Haruka Shimotsuki sound - HARUKA SHIMOTSUKI ORIGINAL Fantasy Concert 2009-FCL ARY-Aria [ 2010.02.24] 1248 - [DVD] Nana Mizuki - Nana Mizuki Live Rainbow at Budokan [2005.04.06]
Categories Japanese (6170) Japanese Anime (308) Japanese Drama (383) Japanese DVD-ISO (2177) DVD-Rip Japanese (999) Japanese Movie (1455) Japanese Music Albums sound (22) Japanese Music Singles (19) Japanese Performance Cuts ( 1) Japanese Promotional Video (31) Japanese Transport Stream Show (9) Japanese TV Music (1125) Japanese TV Show (468) Korean (373) Korean Drama (196) Korean DVD-ISO (72) Korean DVD-Rip (31) Korean Movie (57) Korean MV (1) Korean Performance Cuts (31) Korean TV Show (2) Uncategorized (71)
Archives January 2014 (269) December 2013 (412) November 2013 (381) October 2013 (409) September 2013 (519) August 2013 (346) July 2013 (327) June 2013 (260) May 2013 (291) April 2013 (253 ) March 2013 (257) February 2013 (184) January 2013 (234) December 2012 (147) November sound 2012 (150) October 2012 (170) September 2012 (190) August 2012 (164) July 2012 (141) June 2012 (223 ) May 2012 (266) April 2012 (277) March 2012 (234) February 2012 (154) January 2012 (307)
Network - [MP4] 全部 竞 泳 水 着 Blu-ray NEXT 末永 みゆ 美�� (2013.06.15) [MP4] Runa Sakurai � 井 � 菜 - ルナティック ド�ル (2013.07.19) sound [MP4] Yuri Sawai �井 ゆり - クラス の センタ�!! (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Runa Sakurai � 井 � 菜 - ルナティック ド�ル (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Asuka Kishi 岸 明日香 - ふわふわ ドロップス (2013.07.18) [DVDISO] Yuri Sawai �井 ゆり - クラス の センタ�!! (2013.07.19) [MP4] Hikari Aizawa � � 光 - petit mini aile 2 (2013.07.13)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Categories Japanese (6161) Japanese Anime (308) Japanese Drama (383) Japanese DVD-ISO (2172) DVD-Ri

Random DVDRip DVDRip 1249-1251jpfiles | jpfiles get your daily japanese tv show, japanese dvd and japanese music
Release Information: 1249 - [DVD] SADS - Greatest Clips - BEST OF 5 Years [2003.07.09] 1250 - [DVD] The Pink Tokarev x Seiko Oomori - Over the Party [2012.12.13] 1251 - [DVD] Utada Hikaru - Bohemian Summer 2000 [2000.12.09]
Categories Japanese (6161) Japanese Anime (308) Japanese Drama (383) Japanese DVD-ISO (2172) DVD-Rip Japanese (999) Japanese Movie (1453) Japanese Music Albums (22) Japanese Music Singles (19) Japanese Performance Cuts ( 1) Japanese Promotional Video (31) Japanese Transport Stream Show (9) Japanese TV Music (1125) Japanese TV Show (466) Korean (372) Korean Drama (195) Korean DVD-ISO (72) Korean DVD-Rip (31) Korean Movie (57) Korean MV (1) Korean Performance Cuts (31) Korean TV Show (2) Uncategorized (71)
Archives January 2014 (259) December 2013 (412) November 2013 (381) October 2013 (409) September 2013 (519) August 2013 (346) July 2013 (327) June 2013 (260) May 2013 (291) April 2013 (253 ) March 2013 (257) February 2013 (184) January 2013 (234) December 2012 (147) November 2012 (150) October 2012 (170) September 2012 (190) August 2012 (164) July 2012 (141) June 2012 (223 ) May 2012 (266) April 2012 (277) March 2012 (234) February 2012 (154) January 2012 (307)
Network - [MP4] 全部 竞 泳 水 着 Blu-ray NEXT 末永 みゆ 美�� (2013.06.15) [MP4] Runa Sakurai � 井 � 菜 - ルナティック ド�ル (2013.07.19) km player [MP4] Yuri Sawai �井 ゆり - クラス の センタ�!! (2013.07.19) [DVDISO] Runa Sakurai � 井 � 菜 - ルナティック ド�ル (2013.07.19) km player [DVDISO] Asuka Kishi 岸 明日香 - ふわふわ ドロップス (2013.07.18) [DVDISO] Yuri Sawai �井 ゆり - クラス の センタ�!! (2013.07.19) [MP4] Hikari Aizawa � � 光 - petit mini aile 2 (2013.07.13)

Thursday, January 16, 2014


  DISC.1 01.Angry Young Man 02.My Life 03.Piano Man 04.Don't Ask Me Why 05.Allentown 06.Goodnight Saigon 07.Pressure 08.Leave A Tender Moment w3school Alone 09.An Innocent Man 10.The Longest Time 11.This Night DISC.2 01.Just The Way You Are 02.Scenes From An Italian Restaurant w3school 03.Sometimes A Fantasy 04.It's Still Rock And Roll To Me 05.Uptown Girl 06.Big Shot 07.Tell w3school Her About It 08.You May Be Right 09.Only The Good Die Young   Υե륹 ơ ʤȡ פ 롦 Τˤ ˤ 㤦 ˤ You Tube ˤ äƤޤ  
SoftBank1 SoftBank2 SoftBank3 w3school SoftBank4 docomo1 docomo2 w3school au1 au2 au3 au4
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2013 N t A j Y ^ 炵 Ђ @ m K _ SEED DESTINY HD } X ^ [ K K e B A I j q v m F Z J [ h t @ C

X } [ g t H p y [ W \
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