Monday, February 16, 2015

Hi I would like is added to the clan Age 16 years playing style Sniper mam experience from playing

Greetings to all survivors! We do recruitment into the clan Black Division so if you are interested in playing as a team and meet the following conditions so write. The style of our clan is the attempt to play collectively we are not good or bad, we choose a neutral way to try out with other players on the server flvto if possible to communicate even when it occurs at all ammunition so generously. We are willing to train the less experienced players. Terms:
Next we played games: Dayz (foundation created the very first division. Does Lubo.) Insurgency (mostly after an agreement between people) Minecraft (Just for the rest) CS: GO (Leads Crossbow) H1Z1? (If you want to write an application to establish the possibility of the division, which does not yet have a leader, therefore vacancy) flvto If you are interested in and it will add the following: Age-style game from the game experience Knowledge of foreign languages Tod us all hope that it will be quite interested. Or come to us for TS and discuss it personally Room: [BD] BlackDivision Testing is no password When you notice someone Poke people who are under this mandate recruiting people writing [BD] AntosicCZ (founder of the clan) [BD] ransdorf.l [CZ] (commander of the clan recruiter Dayz Dayz +) [BD] Walter White (recruiter Dayz) [BD] Crossbow (recruiter and commander of the clan CS: GO)
Hey Should I am interested in joining flvto the clan on dayz I uploaded 52 hours I got it about a week and a half, I have 16 style of play you have a specific style of play but about most games sniper I have a very great experience the first time hram Dayz (mod before flvto I even Armu team not played ) but I know well-versed with an mape I iZurvive it helped me very much in its infancy so I know to sew up after English, to teach Russian, Slovak native language is so obviously dominate the Czech language and no grammar I can not but think that it is one on Steam peppermint
Age 15 Rusher style of play, and help newcomers (although I have not suffered dostikrát) and would not mind occasionally flvto do some raids on the Outlaws: 3 The game got about a week, (played 57h) knowledge of English
Age 15 Rusher style of play, and help newcomers (although I have not suffered dostikrát) and would not mind occasionally do some raids on the Outlaws: 3 The game got about a week, (played 57h) knowledge of English
# 5
Click to expand ... I should have _ [PuVoMe] The Truth High
Hi, I would like to join. Although I have played much, but I understand all the principles, and the map is already so-so orient. I studied a lot of manuals. I'm 22 years old. I play more in the evenings. I have no problem flvto with English. The style of play - I play as needed. Currently I have the perfect loot (M14 pristine with lots of bullets, magnum, classic pistol, flvto first aid kits, etc. etc.) If you are interested in me, so add me -> nick -> cptmoorevcz
Hello. I would like to join you Age: 15 Knowledge of the game: SA is my first experience, but I think I have no problem with orientation on the map, or that I did not understand how I control the game. (Currently I have uploaded 44 hours) style of play: Survivor - I'm not a bandit, with an unknown trying to communicate, but it does not do me a problem in case of a threat to defuse goal .Lidem only help when I'm outnumbered and I'm sure that during the transmission of unknown food is not capable M4 pull a shot off my head off. Language: flvto English is somehow agree. My store is not perfect, but I've always somehow finished. flvto Steam name: Pucek
Pucek said:
Hello. I would like to join you Age: 15 Knowledge of the game: SA is my first experience, but I think I have no problem with orientation on the map, or that I did not understand how I control the game. (Currently I have uploaded 44 hours) style of play: Survivor - I'm not a bandit, with an unknown trying to communicate, but it does not do me a problem in case of a threat to defuse goal .Lidem only help when I'm outnumbered and I'm sure that during the transmission of unknown food is not capable M4 pull a shot off my head off. Language: English is somehow agree. My store is not perfect, but I've always somehow finished. Steam name: Pucek
Click to expand ... Pucek tried here you found it on Steam but I could not so I prosimte you add those nicknames is there more [BD] AntosicCZ like find me on Steam as it got here and I'll accept it as quickly as possible
Hi, I'd like to add. Age: 16 Style Games: sharpshooter. The experience of the game, or possibly any mode of army: I Armu CO 2 and Armu third Som quite good shooter as Dayz do not have any problem, just hladam capable team. I know quite well after a bit of English and Russia.
Hi I would like is added to the clan Age 16 years playing style Sniper mam experience from playing army I and II army, OA, ACR, BA, and of course dayz mod. Next to Dayz SA uploaded 67 hours killov 30 of the 25 Bandit map poznam spam So I know for English, Czech, flvto Russian that's about all formed before dakujem for answer
Howdy, I would be interested to join your clan. I'm 17 years old, from Army 2 have a lot of experience, I played in a clan 102nd Reconnaissance Battalion. Dayz I try to play a friendly CFE is not my style. I speak p

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