Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Does the machine or not? I think the machine prototype 2 works to some extent. I see the machine as

Whereas Latin American, identity and treating define this heterogeneous group of people, it is sometimes difficult to see that is not only a discourse between 'them' and 'us' or a discourse of 'Other', but within prototype 2 the Women - Creole / Indian prototype 2 / mixed / hybrid, there is also another group of otherness community. They have been negligent in looking toward Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors themselves who supposedly represent everything that is Latin American, most are men who try to express what their country and culture, but at the same time, it takes an essential part in reflection to its self. We talked about subjects in transit, brokers, foreign, and cultural crossroads something that women are also involved, as are couples of man-hero, even more for them because prototype 2 they have voices most of the time. Clearly the struggle to identify in a patriarchal world is presented. In this course we studied the crossroads of cultures, Latin America and Asia, indigenous and conquerors, Latin America and Europe etc. So in that way there is a crossroads in women? Do they belong to a culture too? These ideas and questions seem like obstacles. If I see women as a group having their own speech with symbols belonging to their own way of seeing the world, different from the male world, I believe that present problems. The controversy would give a complexity between male-female, ie speech, prototype 2 I'm giving a speech of others and participating in the way of seeing the world with objects and subjects - the subjugation of one group and giving importance to another? In considering women as their own culture, I think of origin prototype 2 can look their reproductive organs - she will be physically different. From this comes a new way of seeing the world, have their own symbols and language - I do not mean that just because you have the ability to have children see everything differently, but in their reproductive ability will see different things that will cause a change in point of view. This, in itself, mean that there are different gender, sexual orientation, age etc. they will have different points of knowledge and experience obtained symbols being.
There is a novel, truth, inspired me to think of a new pinion which introduces the idea of women as important to be in the rotation of the machine - Women inhabited by Gioconda Belli. Being a novel that is divided into two narratives that are interpolated between each other. Start with the narrative of an indigenous woman (Itza) during prototype 2 the time of the conquest, and continues the narrative of a modern woman (Lavinia) during the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua. The novel succeeds in giving two perspectives of women fighting in patriarchal society, which are to be joined into one character at the end of the narrative - a crossroads of time and space. They, although they have high temporal and spatial difference, prototype 2 have a correspondence through these impediments. Another book to suggest in this pinion that would treat on women and migration serious Women's Tales from the New Mexico WPA: La Diabla Foot edited by Tey Diana Rebolledo, Maria Teresa Marquez.
Does the machine or not? I think the machine prototype 2 works to some extent. I see the machine as a series of gears which one can add and add infinitely, then there is a need for some life - something a natural bit (I guess you might call artificial life). I would like to see this issue of identity, of what is or is not the culture defined by Latin American literature, prototype 2 which includes and what it will include, this is something prototype 2 I see as something natural, something that has existed and still exists prototype 2 behind the heterogeneous literature, complexity of the complex intersections needs a new system. I think that to better understand the crossroads that we have seen and we can see, and to this extent and we thought that might be included are as passages that open to each pinion, or closed to open a new one with the influence of other gears, always leaving to passage to a life force-crossroads happens and joins or not otrasen the way. Why life? I say life in the way that the authors in their works that blend cultures that give life to new sprocket.
The idea of this organic labyrinth inside the machine vision would open the door to the vast possibilities that appear on trying to see or nominate quantities of cultures within the Latin American literature. Given story before prototype 2 the game between the Indians and the Spaniards, he had meetings and crossroads between the Indians themselves. We could go deeper and deeper through the maze and get lost in our quest for the cultural identity of Latin America.
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