Monday, January 12, 2015

Each language i Sounds good Lange each language what the font (because Loquendo error Km / h fixes

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Loquendo 7 (directions on the street and the street names sy) New Edition V4 18-09-2013 iGO Android i TTS International Pro Audio System Requirements: Android 2.4 - 4. +. + NO LONGER GO YEN in Loquendo 7 TTS ACT TEST EDLD, ALIIY The GLA GLA USE
Spoiler: Gstar
Each language i Sounds good Lange each language what the font (because Loquendo error Km / h fixes of the announcement) Dimka Skins i fully support (fast detour phase region, the length of Tnel u etc) S peedcameras what the font and Proximate full support Adaptive i go i remember in iGO \ content \ phoneme delete file. Installation: 1-ndirdi your rarl in dosyanni "loquendo7turkishandroid" file there is. This in dosyanni "loquendotts" file copy .. NEW Loquendo 7 V4 internal memorize English Voices: what the font Selin, Zeynep Kerem Password: leach ? id = 0B6u5g ... xporter = y in the file administrator can download 2.Cihaznzn dry loquendo.ttsl.apk Loquendo TTS file with increasingly fine. From your phone's settings and Language from 3-m from basn.karnz to enter the seene "to subject the text"-click what the font the. "Loquendo TTS" from sea to 4 -Loquendo TTS's tklaynaa will immediately banned the symbol in sec. 5-language see your country from blmm. (Trk A (Trkiye) is marked as do not need to Semeen) 6-Loquendo TTS Settings, Press, T race and Trk A (Trkiye) where the sound you want by pressing the SE. 7-then what the font come back and "Listen to a rnek" Listen to the sound by pressing the option. what the font If you listen to EUR Loquendo voices, which means baaryl completed 8-ndirdi you in dosyanni what the font iGO / content / lang in dosyasnni file n (zip attached, but from inu) content in the present iGO dosyasnni connect the player / lang dosyasnni and allow the files to copy variation data. 9-Again iGO / voice in dosyasnni "voice_tts-Pro-English-loquendo7-Android-zervan I-V4" klasrn (zip attached inu but from) the player z in iGO klasrnn content / voice ina copy. 10-ndrdi your file in the sys file iGO dosyasnni sell tm vardr. connect the player in the sys file iGO klasrnni nnice (at the bottom of a) copy. 11. Now go to Settings / Sounds and adapt / Sounds language what the font voice telling bà là mà ne street names come activate. 12 Then / Settings / sounds what the font and adapt the / in bà là mà ne "s TTS" on-click the seene. 13 m from -Trafk are reported from -Karnz -Rot zeta get -LK the information reported are reported -System messages you wanted to, you can activate what the font the options is reported. 14- Artkim go on the streets and street names new syle New Loquendo 7 years can use.
Aark Tallinn what the font (22-11-14), adamramzes (26-11-13), Apollonius (12-05-14), Appleman (07-12-14), ataseven (19-12-14), atik333 (04-01 -15), atorex (12-03-14) babaynux (28-11-13) baccad (19-12-14) balk72 (20-09-13) beout (20-09 -13), Bucharest (26-11-13), Bullicame of (21-12-14), cloud .. (23-12-14), what the font CCM (09-05-14), celik64 (29-10-14) , cemer (19-09-13), cheese (08-10-13), corolla_58 (20-04-14), curtcuk (23-12-14), dalgic91 (09-01-15), dedebekr of (19- 12-14), Deli Yreka (28-09-14), Denver what the font (22-12-14), what the font discorapid (20-12-14), divxx007 (23-07-14), dolphintk (22-12- 14), dost32 (24-12-14), dragon387 (29-11-14), dylan93 (04-05-14), ecob59 (07-10-14), egultek's (09-02-14), ekremyildir of ( 19-10-14), engart (16-12-14), ERDC (23-01-14), ericmit (08-10-14), ekia (19-09-13), focus59 (25-09 -14), fsm34 (25-12-14) ftharkn15 (04-11-14) is funkamat (29-09-14) ganej A (09-11-14) is HDG (15-10-14) hdi308 (30-12-14), ibrahim80 (19-09-13), ibya92 (21-12-14), ilker_kir the (27-08-14), grips (20-09-13), shady (19- 09-13), KARESBEY (26-07-14), kenandka to (23-03-14), I skiff (19-12-14), korkmazbey (12-01-15), kuscu28 (26-11-13 ), labirent14 (18-12-14), leynel of (31-12-14), magicman (04-12-14), maras (19-09-13), what the font mkose28 (30-11-14), Modica bearing (07 -07-14), moki71 (22-12-14), msdenberk (19-09-13), MXKM (19-09-13), NAMIKAB of (08-10-14), ndrplus (09-11-13) what the font , Nokedli (01-01-15), what the font Oguz (24-12-14), ozgur1977 (31-05-14), PEKSANLITRK (11-10-13), platinum (2

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