Sunday, March 29, 2015

It is estimated that its current fortune if one were to transpose dollar today is equivalent to $ 2

9 brilliant biographies to live MANY LIVES (Part 1)
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So the first biography that I want to share with you is the biography of Benjamin max Franklin by Walter Isaacson. Walter Isaacson is also the author of the famous biography of Steve Jobs and wrote an absolutely fascinating biography of Benjamin Franklin, so one of the founding fathers of the United max States.
It was also a scientist, a genius, an ambassador. max He was ambassador in Paris for several years. Besides, he attended the first flight of the Montgolfier brothers in Paris - it was the first time a machine rose from the ground, on the earth.
So I highly recommend this book was translated into French in addition: The biography of Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson. It's really interesting to delve into a fascinating character.
There are always those people who manage to do things in their lives. They always have tips, tricks to be more effective than others. And Benjamin Franklin, precisely what is interesting max is that he wrote an autobiography in which he recounts a little all these methods he used.
For example, he explained that when he worked in the printing, there were workers who were drinking beer every day and that he, he had calculated that it really cost them the skin of the buttocks and suddenly, the Instead, he drank water, that allowed him to save as much and invest in other things.
And he also explained how he managed to stand out from its competitors when he opened max his own printing, how he managed to become very easy financially, which helped max him a lot for the rest, etc.
He created his company in the 19th century and it became a huge multinational. He created Standard Oil, while in 1911, there is a decision of the US Court of Justice has decided to split makes Standard Oil in several companies.
And what is really interesting is that John Rockefeller started from scratch. It's a little bit like Benjamin Franklin. They are not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, far from it.
John Rockefeller max was the son of a thief, a con man, someone who was posing as a doctor with his miracle cures and snake oils that were supposed to cure everything and he built an empire the strength of his arm, and also because he was smarter than the others.
Rather, it was a little on the side of gray, a little bit of black side too but we can not sum up his life to that. He also used a lot of strategies and techniques quite honest, that allowed him to really stand out from the others.
And beyond that, the character itself in his personal life was extremely virtuous. You should know that it was the richest man in the world and is still considered today as it has always been the richest man of all time.
It is estimated that its current fortune if one were to transpose dollar today is equivalent to $ 250 billion, max or 220. So I do not know if you can imagine. Bill Gates's fortune is estimated at $ 40 billion. This is to give you an idea. But then, he has built most of his fortune even before income tax exists.
So at the time, there was much less redistribution. And despite its phenomenal wealth, he always had a very frugal lifestyle. He was someone who did not believe in simply luxury.
Moreover, some did not hesitate to call him a cheapskate. It's a little character who inspired the creation of the character Scrooge. And that is really the archetype of the extremely wealthy man but q

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