Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stepping into a heated debate in the nation

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Stepping into a heated debate in the nation's intelligence agencies, President convertir videos de youtube a mp3 Obama has decided that when the National Security Agency discovered serious flaws in network security, it should - in most cases - reveal them to assure that they will be fixed, rather than keep mum so that defects can be used in the investigation or cyberattacks, senior officials of the administration said Saturday. But Mr. Obama carved a broad exception for "clear national security or law enforcement needs," officials said, the gap that is likely to allow the NSA to continue convertir videos de youtube a mp3 using both crack encryption security convertir videos de youtube a mp3 flaws in web design cyberweapons. The White House has not publicly convertir videos de youtube a mp3 detailed Mr. Obama's decision, which he did in January as he began a three-month review convertir videos de youtube a mp3 of the recommendations of the Presidential Committee for advice on what to do in response to recent disclosures about the National Security Agency. But things became eviden decision, while the White House denied convertir videos de youtube a mp3 that he had any prior knowledge Heartbleed bug, new hole known in network security that has sent Americans scrambling last week to change their passwords online. Reported White House said that when weaknesses are discovered, now there is a "bias" in government as well as contributing to the understanding that the computer and software industries that medicine can be created and distributed to industry and consumers. Until now, the White House has refused to say what action Mr. Obama had taken on this recommendation of the committee of the president's advice, that report is better known for the decision that the government get out of the business of collecting mobile data quantity on the phone made by every American. Mr. Obama announced last month that he would end the bulk of the collection, and data leave the hands of telecom companies, and the process to get the government included a court order when needed. But when monitoring recommendations were noteworthy, intelligence agencies in other proposals concerning encryption and cyber operations, setting off a roaring debate with echoes of the Cold War conflict that has dominated Washington last half century. Not surprisingly, leaders of the NSA and its partner military, United States Cyber Command, warned that giving up the ability to use the weakness undisclosed how to "unilateral disarmament" - words taken from the battle over whether and how far reduce America's nuclear arsenal. "We do not remove convertir videos de youtube a mp3 the nuclear weapons until the Russians do," one senior intelligence official said recently. "You're not going to see the Chinese offer on 'day zero' just because convertir videos de youtube a mp3 we do." convertir videos de youtube a mp3 Even a senior White House official who was sympathetic to the evolution of a comprehensive after NSA disclosures said last month, "I can not imagine President - any President -. completely give up technology that could enable some day take covert actions that could avoid shooting wars "At the center convertir videos de youtube a mp3 of the technology that is kind of hidden gaps in the network - almost always created by mistake or management - that Heartbleed created. There is no evidence that the NSA was involved in creating Heartbleed, or even that he did use it. While the White House denied knowledge before Heartbleed on Friday afternoon, it seemed to be the first time that the NSA has ever said such a flaw especially in web time - or not - in the library pin is put in Fort Meade, Md, the headquarters of the organization and Cyber orders. But documents released by Edward J. Snowden, a former NSA contractor, make it clear that two years before Heartbleed known, the NSA was looking for ways to accomplish exactly what the flaw was made by accident. Bullrun program code name, apparently named for the site of two battles civil war outside of Washington, was part of a decade-long effort to crack or circumvent encryption on the Internet. Documents do not make clear how well it succeeded, but it can also be more efficient than using Heartbleed will be in facilitating access to confidential data. Presidential advisory committee did not ask the NSA to get out of the business altogether. But he said that the president must make sure the NSA does not "engineer weakness" in commercial encryption systems. And he said that if the United States convertir videos de youtube a mp3 gets a "day zero," it should be a patch, do not use it, except one: Officers may "simply authorize use zero day for high priority convertir videos de youtube a mp3 intelligence protection." This shows the NSA have the full right to do anything.
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