Saturday, September 6, 2014

"Gnac" is very easy to use. There are 4 icons on the toolbar: Add files Remove openoffice download f

Introduction Straight openoffice download out of left field and completely unrelated to recent content on this blog is an article showing how to convert audio files from one format to another including from MP3 to WAV and WAV to MP3. So the reason I am writing this guide is that I had to convert some audio files at the weekend really quickly (more of a want than a need really). Last week I was given an Amazon gift card and so I used some of the money to update my music collection. I downloaded the files straight to MP3 as opposed to buying the CDs and waiting for them to be delivered. On Saturday mornings I take my daughter swimming and I felt the urge to subject her to an eclectic mix of "Chas and Dave", "Brian Setzer", "Louis Jordan" and "Cab Calloway". Hey that is what dads are for. I had fifteen minutes before we needed to leave and I realised that I had to burn the songs onto a CD and what is more I needed to convert them from MP3 to a format a standard CD player can play such as WAV. In this article I am going to show you the method I used to convert the files and then I am going to show you the easy way. Converting MP3 to WAV using mpg123 openoffice download I used a command openoffice download line tool called mpg123 to convert the MP3 files to WAVs. To get mpg123 I opened a terminal window in Linux Mint and typed the following: sudo apt-get install mpg123 The following command shows how to convert a single MP3 to a WAV file: mpg123 -w "02 Big Fat Rat.wav" "02 Big Fat Rat.mp3"
Now obviously openoffice download when you are time limited and because you would drive yourself insane having to type in each and every filename it is better to write a script to convert all the files. for file in ./*.mp3 do mpg -w ./wavs/"${file}".wav "$file" done For a complete script that you can use again and again click here . This script works perfectly well and will work on any distribution that has mpg123 available. Convert MP3 to WAV using Gnac This is the Everyday Linux User website and the point of this site is to make it easier for the average user and is not for command line wizards. There is a Gnome based tool called "Gnac" (Gnome Audio Converter) which is perfect for the task and is really easy to use. You can install "Gnac" from the Mint Software Manager by simply searching for it.
The reviews aren't very inspiring. There are just two of them. 1 for 5 stars and 1 for 1 star. 1 person said it worked perfectly and 1 said it didn't work at all.  Once it has been installed "Gnac" can be loaded by clicking on the menu and searching for it using the search bar.
"Gnac" is very easy to use. There are 4 icons on the toolbar: Add files Remove openoffice download files Clear files Convert Clicking openoffice download the "Add files" button brings up the standard "open a file" dialogue. You can select individual files or select openoffice download a folder. Selecting a folder loads in all the valid audio files within that folder. If you add files by accident you can remove them by clicking the "Remove files" icon. Got it completely wrong? Simply clear the list by clicking the "Clear files" openoffice download icon and start again. There is a dropdown in the bottom left corner which shows what the file will be converted to. By default WAV is selected which in this case is exactly what is required. Clicking "Convert" either on the toolbar or in the bottom right corner of the window starts openoffice download the process. The conversion takes a matter of seconds to complete. Converting WAV to MP3 using gnac Converting from WAV to MP3 used to be a common task as people used to buy CDs and then convert them for use on their computers and MP3 players. Most people probably download more music than they buy on physical disks and so it is more likely that they want to convert the other way around now. "Gnac" openoffice download can convert openoffice download to multiple formats and so if you need to convert from WAV to MP3 you can. The file format dropdown box can be set to have other formats openoffice download as well. Click the "Edit" button to add new file formats.
The Name and Description fields are there for your benefit to describe the format that you are adding.  You might choose to have 3 MP3 formats all with differing quality settings. It is therefore a good idea to use the "Name" and "Description" fields wisely to define the format that you are adding. The "Format" dropdown openoffice download provides a list of possible openoffice download conversion openoffice download formats such as FLAC, OGG, MP3 and M4a. The quality setting determines how much quality you lose during the conversion. If you use the highest quality the file size will be bigger and therefore of course a lower quality file will have a smaller file size. The  "Advanced" options lets you choose bit rates and the number of channels (mono/stereo). When you are happy that you have set the format the way you want it click on "Save". From the "Profile Manager" screen you can copy a profile. This is useful if you have for example an MP3 format but you want another one with a higher or lower quality.  openoffice download To amend a profile click it within the list and click "Edit". Finally, to delete a profile select it and cli

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