Sunday, August 17, 2014

Specific make sense only for specific elements. For example the img element must specify the path t

Look all html elements .ne be put off by heart to teach nothing. It is enough to look at the list to be aware of their existence and when you need to get into the directory. We look at the most popular. Headings, lists, paragraphs, images, links and components
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 - headers different uzrovnyav.Napryklad, h1 - the main title of the page, it is desirable photo effects that he was alone on the following page. <H1> photo effects I am the only and the most important header on the page </ h1>
The rest can h2..h6 prymenyatstsa page as many times differ only in size. <Article> <header> <h3> Article about the events in Minsk </ h3> <header> </ article>
ul (ol) - a list of items. li - the list items. Maybe markerovany - ul and numbered - ol. For example - markerovany. (Ul) <ul> <li> Belarus </ li> <li> photo effects Ukraine photo effects </ li> <li> Lithuania </ li> </ ul>
An example of the second Table of Contents photo effects - image with text <a href=""> <img src = " /04/_bt2.jpg "> See cartoon about Belarus </a>
div - Container containing other elements. Building block of the page. For example, photo effects news block, block comments, block banners. Pryklad1. <Div> <div> News first </ div> <div> News second </ div> </ div>
Typically, the name of the css class carries semantechnae value. <Div class = "main-container"> <div class = "news"> <div class = "new"> news first </ div> <div class = "new"> News second </ div> photo effects </ div> </ div>
span - which wraps up a word or phrase to give css style. Shall not be semantechnaga sense. For example zrobik the word "error" in red. <P> Unfortunately you make <span style = "color: red;"> error </ span> </ p>
Specific make sense only for specific elements. For example the img element must specify the path to the image. That is, the src attribute prymenyaetstsa only element photo effects img. Attribute photo effects src - specific.
Block - a rectangle that occupy the entire available width. To block elements include - div, h1-h6, p, form, etc. Embedded (inline) elements occupy only the width of its content. This span, a, etc.
Consider the following css properties. width - the width margin photo effects - the external padding padding - padding border - border element to play with them over the element div <head> <style type = "text / css"> div {width: 300px; / * The width of the block * / margin: 7px; / * The external padding * / padding: 10px; / * The fields around the content * / border: 4px solid black; / * Parameters border * / background: #yellow; / * Background color * /} </ style> </ head> <body> <div> Playing with css properties. Know what is in the width of the browser </ div> </ body>
Homework: Take advantage of all the elements considered. Make a list of the navigation (links). Add titles, paragraphs, Span in each blog entry. Make a block (div) comments. At this place the other unit blocks comments. Play around with the properties width, margin, border, padding in blog posts and comments. See metric in Google Chrome. The next session photo effects

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