Sunday, March 2, 2014

All you can do is to check how web spider sees on your website. As I mentioned earlier, web spiders

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If you've ever wondered why some websites rank (positioned) higher in the search engines, the answer lies in optimizing their own websites - SEO (Search Engine Optimization Briefings).
Every time you type a search string in the web search engine and press the 'Enter' key, you do an online search engine returns a bunch of results of the search string - results. People usually click on links that are positioned at the very top of the search website design engines, because we believe that on these pages is the most relevant content to our search string. If you've ever wondered why some websites rank (positioned) higher and some lower, the answer lies in optimizing website design their own websites - SEO (Search Engine Optimization Briefings).
SEO optimization layer of Web pages is a technique that allows for certain keywords (searched strings) website PPSA higher than the remaining one million other websites. Therefore, we can say that SEO helps to increase visits to your site.
In this article you can read everything you know about optimizing websites: What is optimization, how it works and how the positioning of keywords. How it Works web search website design engine?
The first thing you need to know about search engines is that web search engine not human. If this seems samoumnevno, then the difference how search website design engines website design and people looking website design at the content of the website, you will not. Unlike humans, search engines are programs. Although technologically very advanced website design and developing rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures who say they do not see a beautifully designed website.
In order to search engines get an idea of what even the website says, constantly surf the web looking for content and mostly text. To see the results of our search strings, search website design engines perform the following tasks: search the contents of web pages, indexing content, reckoning the relevance of the keyword, keyword processing, and finally display the search results.
The first task of web search engines to search the website content. This type of task is performed by a fraction of a program called a web crawler, Googlebot, or let's say - if we talk about Google. Web crawlers follow the internal links, and thus indexed content of a website. If we have in mind a few billion on all sides by what breaks the Internet, it is impossible to expect website design that the spiders will visit daily all existing pages, you can wait on the spider as a month or two.
All you can do is to check how web spider sees on your website. As I mentioned earlier, web spiders are not people and can not see the images, flash animations, JavaScript, various frames, protected site with a password, so if you have any of these elements on your website, you better check how web spiders see your site otherwise your website by the search engines will not exist.
Once the web crawlers website design visit your site, the next task is Web Search Engines indexation of web content. The indexed page is stored on the server online search tool which was later also shown. website design The process of indexing is an overview of web content and identification of keywords that best describe your site. While people would not be able to quickly process them all the words of web content Web search engine such tasks it is pretty website design good at it. Sometimes web spiders do not understand the importance of certain websites, and help them to optimize, and consequently are ranked in a higher position.
When you enter a search string, a web search engine starts website design to process our keyword in such a way that it compares with other sites indexed website design on its server. Since our search website design string can contain millions of indexed pages, website search engine brings to the fore the indexed page with the highest relevance of the search string.
There are several algorithms for calculating the relevance of the keywords. Each mode has its own principles, whether it comes to the frequency of keywords, number of links and meta records. That's why every internet search engine pages for the same keyword positions and classified websites under a different order. Since search engines regularly change their alogoritem website design ranking is higher positioning requires regular optimizija website design website.
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