Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Not that I hate the Lorem Ipsum. sound effects I

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But not these words did not originate the Lorem Ipsum has been used since the 60s, and his words were taken from excerpts of "De Finibus bonorum et malorum" Cicero, written in 45 BC, but with a few words and less few excerpts sound effects shuffled to make no sense whatsoever. Pros curious, sound effects follows a small piece of the original:
(And pros more curious still, the translation follows: "And very least there is someone who loves and wishes to attain the pain, because it is pain, but occasionally sacrifice and pain are needed to get some great pleasure.") sound effects
Some people sound effects argue that the practical Lorem ipsum and such, but in the end it has its problematic side. Unlike its original function, there are a decent amount of people who actually destraem and mingle with the big massive block of text unidentified. In some environments, teamwork, can occur from poor communication between the designer and other members of the production process sound effects are confused and even end up being published Lorem Ipsum by accident.
Not that I hate the Lorem Ipsum. sound effects I'm a fan and I'm here to an application for generating lorem ipsum with one click. But we must understand that the same were he came to help, for some people it can cause problems. Understand your customer, your target audience and the team with whom you work.
For those already enjoaram the traditional Lorem Ipsum, sound effects but dig one textinho to fill layout, there are several variations such as Bacon and Cupcake Ipsum Ipsum (Seriously, lorem ipsum has everything!) There are also alternatives with a goal a little more serious when Lorem Ipsum as Blokk Font and Font Redacted (directly inspired by Blokk), sound effects that transforms your text into a large rectangle (and scribbles in the case of Redacted).
The big problem that Lorem Ipsum comes to bringing some designers is that certain sound effects people develop their layouts from the Lorem Ipsum left there at the time of the Ctrl + v. Not dependent Lorem Ipsum, understand its function sound effects as a tool and not as an object of determining a project and, above all, think about whether to use Lorem Ipsum you will not be causing more problems than solutions.
Paulista who lives in Manaus for over 10 years, I graduated in Graphic Design from Uninorte (Laureate International Universities). Currently working as a designer at Samsung, a leading mobile technology. My major interests are in the areas of illustration, photography and typography, as well as having greater addiction buy notebooks from all corners of the world. You can find me on Behance!

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