When it comes to the structure of budget revenues, tax revenues are planned in the amount of KM 1,517,950, which is 4.6 percent converter mp3 less than in the 2013th year, while non-tax in the amount of KM 1,614,983, which is 541 513 KM more compared to last year.
Transfer to local governments planned amount of 88,000 KM, of which the aid for underdeveloped and extremely underdeveloped municipalities converter mp3 relates 30,000 KM, while the transfer of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Serbian converter mp3 co-financing 50 percent of the rights of social protection planned amount of 53,000 KM.
The delegates adopted the amendments to the draft budget, which is, among other things, provided that the amount of assistance to families of fallen soldiers and war invalids increased to 28,000 KM allocations to sports clubs to 27,500, while expenditures on the basis of fuel consumption for the officers of the 14,000 KM. Roe
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