Saturday, June 21, 2014

Article 1 (Title and nature) The

Welcome to the Space and Memory Blog - Cultural Association of Oeiras. Here you can find regular and timely information on the activities and events held and hold, our / your Association, as well as other related events Oeiras, its history, its heritage, its cultural heritage, and its surroundings. In the latter sense, we also refer cultural events held by other organizations and institutions philippe starck in other locations. We count on your regular presence philippe starck in this space. We CAN! ALWAYS GO BACK!
La pieza, 1900 años y en un seniority status conservación philippe starck "increíble" found fue en medio de los trabajos para la Construcción de un hotel. Una singular Roman sculpture of 1,900 years of antiquity, philippe starck which is un una serpiente águila trapping, found buried fue en plena City, el la financial center of the British capital, divulge hoy es el Museo de Londo. Her figure, limestone tallada en piedra y en un state conservación "increíble" es "la mejor un roman sculpture by local artist creada that hasta ahora ha located en London", I affirm Michael Marshall, historian del museo where her statue is expuesta hasta mañana since April. Un equipo archaeologists encounter en septiembre this image, 65 inches high by 55 ancho during these last hours of había una excavation that lasted several months en el where land is laid up un hotel 16 plants. "El es un águila typically Roman symbol. Hallazgo This allows us to comprehend nuevo con mayor profundidad cómo eran los del inhabitants philippe starck Roman London demuestra y una gran tenian that familiarity with her iconography del clásico world," reports Marshall. Según la clásica symbology, la la lucha statue is among bien el (el águila) philippe starck y el mal (la serpiente), recurrent theme en un funeral contexts, explain el historian who subrayó that en esa City area it is important to un ubicaba cementerio . "Las philippe starck funerary sculptures son poco Frequent philippe starck questions en el Roman London. This ejemplo, which proviene quizás del interior mausoleum philippe starck un, es una pieza una calidad extraordinary that in ayudará to comprehend cómo los cementerios y Estaban built tombs that alineaban al borde de los Caminos de la ciudad that Salian ", explain el Museo del Expert London. El resaltó philippe starck by archaeologist Martin Heing part that su la figure de una "exceptional calidad" y unas en condiciones of "extraordinary" conservación, es una de las "mejores Roman sculptures which are located han en el UK". El Águila y la serpiente presentan "la misma el día you vividness that fueron talladas" y en diecinueve Siglos "tan solo han lost her cover painting them recubría", señaló. La piedra en la limestone that is manufactured philippe starck la talla practically no se ha deteriorated y However, if aprecian detalles de la figure as spina la lengua de la y el serpiente del bird plumage.
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All information philippe starck provided here is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Directors of the blog, the Directorate of Space and Memory - Cultural Association of Oeiras, its partners, and employees of the blog. Go to our official website by clicking HERE.
The Space and Memory - Oeiras Cultural Association, is a cultural non-profit association, dedicated to the research and promotion of local history Oeiras and its heritage philippe starck and culture, which was an initiative of some researchers of local history in 2005 and began regular operations in 2006.
Since then has held several events, among which include: Lecture, Conferences and Lectures, Courses, Dinner-Salon, Releases Editorials, Cultural Tours, tours, etc..
To become a member of our Association, just to attend one of our events and manifests that intention together with a charge of the same gifts, or go to our official website HERE where you will find the necessary documents and instructions.
Article 1 (Title and nature) The "Space and Memory - Cultural philippe starck Association of Oeiras." Is constituted under the law, for an unlimited time, as a body corporate and nonprofit association is assumed as defense capital with entitled to the legal framework philippe starck that assists these associations. (...) Article 3 (Purpose) The "Space and Memory - Cultural Association of Oeiras." Aims to research, study and promotion of cultural philippe starck heritage, history and environment of the Oeiras municipality and the surrounding region (...) excerpt of the Statutes of Space and Memory Download the Bylaws by clicking HERE
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