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Draft Law on the work is done and can not enter into the procedure because the members of the Social and Economic Council, speaking about it, the Minister of Labour, Employment 3d and Social Issues Aleksandar Vulin.
"The law was not built to diminish workers 'rights and not diminish them, but it was not built or hinder an employer to hire or not to dismiss.'m Talking about This is easier for the employer, but also workers' rights are protected," said Vulin, reports Tanjug.
Minister Aleksandar Vulin said to be working on amendments to the Law on Volunteering and that during the restoration of public works infrastructure and the use and voluntary, 3d free labor, and to work for companies that will be paid.
"It is the policy of public works. We need to measure whether we work to revive the public sector or to shut down the competition. Idea is to revive and public works employ, not to create a monopoly and restrict someone to work and earn," said Vulin.
"There is currently an annual conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which is attended by representatives of our representative trade unions. Expect that as soon as it's over, and it will be the middle of this week, everyone will be there and we'll be able to do," said Minister Vulin.
He said that during the drafting of the Labour achieved a "high level of agreement" on a number of proposed papers, and that most of the controversy has extended collective agreement and the method of calculating the minimum wage.
"The employment-related legislation, 95 percent of all disputes about wages. 3d Here we significantly strengthen the position of workers and show what are the obligations of the employer and what are the obligations of the employee. Believe that the Labour Act may be to the benefit of both employers and workers and the state "concludes Vulin.
The companies will not work iskuljucivo at a certain time but will not rigorously determine the allowed proportion of workers who will be able to be engaged in this way, said Vulin. He said that it would create a problem in certain sectors, for example, seasonal employment.
Secretary of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia and member of the Working Group on Amendments to the Law on the work of Zoran Mihajlovic points out that the changes 3d of the law for the most part agreed and emphasized that he received the final version of which will go to the Assembly.
Representative trade unions and employers in the Working Group last three and a half months of co-ordinated positions on the five most important issues 3d that should be regulated by the new Law on the work - work at a certain time, by employer, severance pay, extended applicability of collective bargaining and minimum wage.
The Working Group on Amendments to the Law on the work were the representatives of the Government or the Ministry of Labour, Finance and Economy, Union of Employers of Serbia, two representative trade unions - SSSS and the Trade Union Confederation "independence", and since the beginning of May, and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce.
If the company failed failed and workers. A workers also participated in the company so they could see how the company is losing 3d market. Most of the workers in our work against your boss and think that their work only rich gazda.Naravno 3d have such employers. But this is absurd, simply our economy is weak, and workers and employers more if they fight went all to hell.
Are determined by collective agreements and minimum wage for all professions? Overtime, vacation, sick leave, 3d maternity protection, employment of people 3d with disabilities, and of course the working chamber to protect workers, pensioners and all socially insured persons. It is essential you have to have one worker.
The law is a dead letter. 3d The state does not want to create a mechanism by which they could not in the name of contributions and undocumented workers, blocked no assets of the employer. We judge it to infinity, we are not logged in when i get a court case, it can not be nalatiti nothing, because in the meantime the company 3d disappears or changes its owner and we have a bunch of paper, lost time, health and also the empty stomachs of our families 3d and us. The state leads the idea that, while we use state of yours, when osatrimo should die.
Will someone, once, in the Labour Act include an obligation for private employers to comply with all provisions of the same, and that all rights enjoyed by privileged public sector apply to all workers in this country? So we're all men, I guess?
But now at least we can not complain about our Protector 3d of citizens if no basic rights for workers and if he does not then we can solve the Ombudsman of the European Union it was easy today can all onlein and in any language and he will not deny it if you can not then pass the institution dealing 3d with human rights workers.
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