23.3. The Western Text Type. This text type is considered "... an Undisciplined 'wild' growth or manuscript tradition and translational activity." (BMMetzger, The Text of the New Testament, p.213). These copies have spread widely, not only in North Africa, Italy and France, but also in Egypt and in the East. Although most scholars this text type as many considered corrupt, it is possible that the original text is preserved where it was lost in different auto joiner text types. Because the New Testament writings initially than word spake unto seen before, people with confidence and adjustments made changes that they thought could be of value. This text type were probably used by Marcion but by Tatian. Tatian with his mix of all four Gospels into one continuous narrative own numerous changes have been made in many of the Syriac manuscripts and especially the Byzantine text type inroads. It is called the Diatessaron. The main witnesses of this text type is: 1) Codex Bezae (D), (450-550 AD.) Contains most of the four Gospels, Acts, and a fragment of 3 John. This is a diglot (two languages) in Greek on the left and right Latin. No other text has as many and such extraordinary variations and free additions or omissions of words, sentences or even events. In Luke's account of the institution of the Eucharist, all references to the second cup is removed, (Luke 22:20) auto joiner that a reverse order of the first result the wine, then bread. In Acts there are so many reviews that nearly a tenth longer than any other witness! 2) Codex Washington (W), (375-425 AD.) Contains the gospels where sections representing different text types, as mentioned above. 3) Codex Claromontanus (Dp) ( 550 AD.) It contains the Pauline epistles, including Hebrews. It is the same way compiled with the same characteristics as Codex Bezae. The work of at least 9 korrektors is identified. Codex Sangermanensis (Ep) is a copy of Claromon Tanús from the ninth or tenth century, and has no independent value. 4) MS 383, 1250 AD. Contains the Acts in Western text type, Pauline and General epistles in the Alexandrian text type as mentioned above. Kept in the Bodley Library, Oxford. Because this type of text in manuscripts copied widely distributed, it has also translated into many old Latin translations. Modern textual criticism takes into account all the manuscripts. So are obvious changes or adjustments identified and eliminated. auto joiner Be blessed! Herman. See also: Direct Translation Manuscripts Harmoniërings miniscule changes Solving History and Geography Questions Prayer and Fasting?
About Herman or bibledifferences.net The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts auto joiner of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog www.bibledifferences.net to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support (actup.co.za) a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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New Publications 90 Was Jesus born holy, or holy called? auto joiner Luke 1: 35 89 Capital letters or not? 88 Who hindered you from the truth obey? 87 Take up your cross. Mark 10:21 86 "born again" auto joiner or "born from above" John. 3:3
Sow with the expectation of a rich harvest. Thank you for your contribution. Search for: Topics Alexandrian Text Type Translations Ancient Apocrypha Description vd. Hell watered down? Reliability of Text Byzantine Text Type Constantin von Tischendorf Desiderius Diatessaron Dynamic Equivalent translation auto joiner Direct translation Dittography Diverse detail Doxology first printed Greek NT End of Lord's Prayer External Measures (Data) Angel Choir Erasmus Eugene Nida Eusebiese Canons Evaluation: benchmarks Gospel of Philip prayer and fasting auto joiner Genesis 1 Glos Handling Differences haplography Ha
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