Codex Sinaiticus, א is a Greek codex Uncials both the Old and New Testaments, as well as some apocryphal writings. It dates from about 350 AD The New Testament in an excellent example of the Alexandrian text type. This is by far considered the best witness of the New Testament. Dr.. Constantine von Tischendorf, a lecturer at the University of Leipzig, the Monastery of St.. Catherine at Mount Sinai in 1844, looking for ancient manuscripts. In a bin for the fireplace was destined, he discovered 43 perkamentbladsye. It comes from the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the OT. He was allowed to take it, and published it as Codex Frederico-Augustanus. During a subsequent visit in 1853, he could find no more, but his third visit in 1859 he received a copy of his published codex to the main caretaker of the monastery gift. The him his ancient codex form. Tischendorf it through the night studying. He wanted to buy it, but was refused.
He had the next day to Cairo, where he heads the monastery met by him and the manuscript sent for. There he and a German pharmacist and a bookseller within two months more than 110,000 lines of manuscript copied. With the help of the Czar of Russia, then the patron of the Greek Orthodox Church, the codex to the Tsar gift in exchange for substantial financial gifts and decorations given to senior effect staff of the monastery. The codex was then taken to Russia. A copy of fonts created so close to the display of Sinaiticus, effect is published in 1862. In 1933, the British Museum, London, with the help of the state and private donors managed the Sinaiticus for 1000 from Russia for sale. Initially Sinaiticus complete Old and New Testaments, as well as some apocryphal books. effect Parts of the Old Testament has been lost. The New Testament is still intact, neatly written in uncial script, beautifully made and fully legible. Unfortunately, the copier superficial mistakes. Fortunately, the source copy from which he copied, yet clearly researched as an early example of the Alexandrian text type. Normally two types korrektors in a manuscript identified. The first corrections before the document leaves the copy center, either by the copier itself, or by its caretaker. The second type is someone at a later stage, the document has to adapt to the copy he at that time with him. In the Sinaiticus, at least four subsequent korrektors indicated. Ireneus which 202 died, has been a fervent prayer expressed that future copiers not the content of the documents must be changed. For the determination of the original autography is the original wording of the manuscript of the utmost importance, and not the adjustments that even hundreds of years later was made.
This codex in the British Museum, London store. Because of its great importance worldwide, the entire codex currently on the internet available effect and page by page study by
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles effect like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, effect so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and one grand daughter. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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