This text type may have originated in Egypt and by Origen brought to Caesarea. From there it to Jerusalem, then to the Armeniane at that early stage, a colony had in Jerusalem. Many of the manuscripts of this text type also called "Jerusalem Colophon" open office in. It is said that the manuscript was copied and corrected with "ancient manuscripts in Jerusalem". This label is so in at least twelve copies following enrolled, although they certainly are not controlled either! Such a label to help identify text type and is further proof that additions, changes or deletions of one manuscript to the next is. Therefore, open office variations weighed rather than the number of manuscripts that contain the variation counted. Of Jerusalem is an manuscript of this text type to Georgia, and used as the basis for the translation for the Georgians. This text type is the most mixed text type. The original author of the Alexandrian open office text in principle because, while it retains some Western readings is not too unlikely that seemed. It also shows a definite open office desire for elegance. The main witnesses of this text type is: 1) Papyrus 45, 200-250 AD. It contains parts of all four gospels. (Acts in the Alexandrian Text Type as above.) 2) Washington Codex (W) 375-425 AD. Contains the Gospels where parts Different types of texts represented as explained above. 3) Codex Koridethi (θ) 850 AD. Contains the Gospels. It is written in a rough uneven open office script by a copier that is clearly not familiar with Greek. In Mark voice text matches the text type of Caesarea (Caesarean) by Origen (Died on 254) and Eusebius (Date of death 339) was used. The other gospels in the Byzantine text type. 4) Family 1 (1150-1350 AD.) Minuscule manuscripts Nos. 1, 118, 131, 209, and several others, are all consistent with codex Koridethi (θ), where Mark is a text type represented during the third and fourth centuries was used in Caesarea. 5) Family 13 (1050-1450 AD.) Minuscule manuscripts open office Nos. 13, 69, 124 and 346 together with at least eight other minuscule open office manuscripts of this family. They all had the incident with the strange open office woman to Joh.7: 52, but according to Luke 21:38. 6) MS. 565, (850-950 AD.) Contains the Gospels. This is one of the most beautiful manuscripts, written in gold letters on purple Vellum. In Mark represents the Caesarea text type. It is in the Library of Leningrad.
7) MS. 700; (1050-1150 AD.) Contains the Gospels. This difference of 2.724 times the printed text which the King James translation was made and 270 unique open office lectures. Together with No.162 open office manuscript has the words: "Your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us" instead of "Thy Kingdom come" in the Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:2). Are preserved in the British Museum, London. The New African Translation (1983) also shows pursuit of elegance and sometimes translated several verses together for the sake of being easier to understand. (Vg. Rom. 9:11-13) The difference is that in the Caesarea-text type, the Greek text, adapted, and not merely a translation of it. Bless Herman. See also: Translations with preconceived aim of Origin NT, Inspiration by Duplication Spirit of Ancient Manuscripts Translations and Kervaders Mark 11:26; Forgiveness
About Herman or The Reasons for the differences between older Bibles like the King James Version and newer Bibles like the New International Version have fascinated me ever since my studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria. I have great respect for Bible translators, so there must be good Reasons for the differences. With more than 5,600 Greek Manuscripts and more than 19,000 Manuscripts of ancient translations to our Disposal, The Original Autographs of the New Testament Can Be Established without doubt. I Investigate the Reasons behind the differences and publish the facts in a post on my blog to enable my readers to judge for eis. Personally I love to make an informed decision based of facts. That is why I Endeavor to Provide That privilege context to the readers of my blog. Since 1973 I am married to my dear wife and greatest friend, Leah Page, founder director of Act-Up Support ( a prayer open office ministry for families struggling with drug, and other occult-dependencies. We are blessed with two daughters and two sons, three grand sunset and two grand daughters. God is alive and omnipotent! Glory to His Name! Herman Grobler.
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