Tuesday, October 22, 2013


But you might be a little surprised upon us during this experiment were indeed the real secret to our write here, because in fact this is one of the expertise of a professional repair shop who wants to try a variety open office of innovations that are useful for the development of workshops. Yes .. we think it does not have to overhaul science with advanced technology that completely computerized, the human brain is a very smart cpu given by God. Early trials of coffee to patch plate instead of the actual car we have done more than three years, that is by checking our powder drink coffee grounds (not instant coffee you know) and we turned dry again after the dry residue was not readily absorb moisture again. Therefore at the moment we are still often receive open office repair cars owned car dealers who want to work faster car then we use this way. And the results obtained even last for more than 3 years, when compared with patches that only body with welded weld points only. Penempelnya materials we use chemicals with cyanoacrylate content (please check the brand would happen in google)
We already proved itself in the power of coffee on plate car as material for patching porous open office plates open office and section-specific hard parts, such as the corner of the glass frame and so on. Please just watch the video we did with the car body filling the coffee powder. You may believe should not, but we've proved themselves more power for 3 years.

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