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Today, free and free office suite what is recognized and implemented on many computers. For example, the French government has 400,000 positions equipped with OpenOffice. Org. However, the next version 2.0.4 of this suite will mark the entry of a new feature: the development of plug-ins. Golds and one can already imagine some possibilities of this feature. Indeed, consider the Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird software in which it is possible to add an unlimited number of features through extensions.
With this system of plug-ins, OpenOffice will therefore see its range of features greatly expand (new features previously dam absent should appear). In addition, this system will develop dam some specific areas or as required by the present moment functions.
A site will be especially dedicated to these plug-ins that will develop dam from several languages including Java and StarBasic. The files will have the extension OXT. The result will be also equipped with tools to install and manage simply plug-ins. Finally, a small detail that is important, is LGPL, it is quite possible to insert plug-ins proprietary elements.
In future versions of the office suite, it s' partner with Mozilla. Indeed, we should dam find Thunderbird, the email client and Lightnin g, the event handler for calendar and agenda.
This last idea is more or less well received by users and observers dam on. In fact, they believe that the following should first reduce before equip new items. However, dam version 2.0.4 is the introduction of a change that will evolve until version 3.0 is currently in development as well. Download 2.0.4 Release Candidate 2 from this page. Download 2.0.3 from our download page.
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quote: "The French government has 400,000 workstations running of" How so? The French government would be outlawed. Maybe a law: A follow anyway.
Quote: Quote: "The French government has 400,000 workstations running of" How so? The French government would be outlawed. Maybe a law: A follow anyway. And why would it be French administration outside the law? For a time she does something sensible!
Quote: dam And why the French government would it outside the law? For a time she does something sensible! Because today are free software users are outlawed. It was anyway a lot about the law on non DADVSI?
Quote: Because today are free software users are outlawed. Anyway we talked a lot about the law on non DADVSI? Ah yes! This Act is inapplicable and so C **** I had already forgotten! It will not change my behavior, nor the majority of people I think.
I do not want to be the devil's advocate, but I do not see what part of OpenOffice would be off-the-law? It does not allow illegal file sharing, or break any digital protection. (Or else, perhaps at the reverse-engineering. Doc format that OOo can manage). By cons, Apache, VLC, and others are clearly hor
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