Friday, December 5, 2014

Fortunately, the above problem staedtler can be easily solved by setting up alternative url for pub

As you probably already know, AdSense for content and recently supported by Croatian language, as many local webmaster (I would say again) attracted to adsense. Of course, despite the fact that the Serbian and Croatian staedtler languages are very similar, having your site set up adsense, very often you will be able to watch the so-called "public advertising" (public ads), which do not bring no income, in addition staedtler to their appearance is often significantly staedtler different from the colors you have chosen for adsense advertisements, which further spoils the visual identity of your site.
Fortunately, the above problem staedtler can be easily solved by setting up alternative url for public ads, and what is best of all, it's completely legal "hack", then google will ban you for that. All you need to do is to create a separate html page that will display staedtler your banners, and Google put the know how to achieve it. In addition to HTML pages, you can put a link to the image, but keep in mind that it will not be linked (which imho and does not make much sense), staedtler alternatively you can put the color that will easily fill up a space for advertising.
As far as the html side is concerned, there are no gimmicks, simply create the most simple html page with a banner (image or flash) that can optionally be dynamically generated from php script. The only important thing is to be in style for setuju page margins and padding to 0, and that of course is identical to the dimensions staedtler of the banner advertisements that change. For example, the commercial dimension of 468 60 and should be identical dimensions of the banner. Also, it is desirable that the URLs to objects that links be absolute.
Here's how to say it looks on the service blogodak the flash banner <html> <head> <title> Banner </ title> <style type = "text / css"> body {margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: #ffffff; } </ Style> </ head> <body> <object classid = "clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase = " # version = 7,0,19,0 "width =" 468 "height =" staedtler 60 "> <param staedtler name =" movie "value =" .swf "/> <param name =" quality "value =" high "/> <embed src =" "quality =" high "quality =" "type =" application / x-shockwave-flash "width =" 468 "height =" 60 "> </ embed> </ object> </ body> </ html>
Of course, the page can generate a fully dynamic, rotate banners, track statistics, etc. After you set up your side of the server, it is necessary to put in google to know how to achieve it. To do this, you will go through adsense setup, and then to work with additional options enter url to your side.
Alternatively, you can already generated adsense code, just below the line google_ad_client add google_alternate_ad_url line, for example: google_ad_client = "pub-0981372496796058"; google_alternate_ad_url = ""; google_ad_width = 468; ...
> This is the best "alternative you can put color> that will easily fill up a space for> commercial."
[...] In a word, it is much easier to maintain, writing new entries, moderating comments, spam protection, there is a handful of plugins, themes ... ma lot more. If I was in the mood enough, portovaću and my retro theme on WP as well transliterator, but, rather, it'll use something that already has almost (as soon as I find :)). I also got Google AdSense banerčić by Dinketovom recipe, that is not how my generic banner naružio records [...]
You can create your own text advertisements that will refer to your sides, believe me you will have clicks on those links, especially by users coming from search engines or through other sites, meaning those who are seeking information from a user that you regularly visit all the benefits of PPC Advertising is small. Leave a reply
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