Computers are now found almost everywhere. Already in elementary schools teach children with them. In most cases, they come into contact only with the Windows operating system and office suite Microsoft Office. Qimo offers an interesting way to introduce children to free software.
The home pages of the currently available version free website templates is 1.0. Download the ISO image can be classic or image for VirtualBox. This is actually a modified Xubuntu 08.10 Installation is the same as in Xubuntu. The installer will create two users. One, which you yourself created during installation - it will have administration rights for the system. The other user is called "Qimo" and just after the start of his system automatically logs. Additionally, you will be able to make any alterations to the system, so that the child accidentally or intentionally, nothing can destroy. Qimo unfortunately not all in English, so it is necessary to install Czech language support.
The program Tuxtype the child learns to control the keyboard. First learn to rewrite simple letters you see on the monitor. Individual letters are inside the fish. After correctly entering all the letters free website templates in the word penguin eats fish.
Tux Math is used for teaching the basics of mathematics. Can practice free website templates addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For each of these categories is to choose the difficulty, free website templates for example. Counting 1 to 3, or multiplication from 0 to 15 From top to bottom, moving examples, example if the child is not resolved, before getting down to destroy the penguin igloo.
Tux Paint is a simple painting. With its large icons is easy to use. In addition free website templates to the classic features such as freehand drawing, or text, Tux Paint offers the Stamp function. Using it can be inserted into the drawing space interesting pictures. Are these different animals, even a penguin on the tractor. :-)
This is a collection of several educational programs, you can practice them in many things. There again, rewriting words from the keyboard. More interesting is a memory game, it serves to practice memory. I am very interested in imitation of the famous Pacman. In it, it is necessary to collect letters but must collect in the correct order so as to have passed the word.
It's the whole package of educational programs for children from 2 years old. There are many different activities, among them are exploring the mouse and keyboard, Multiplication, creating an electrical circuit, sudoku and many more. When using multiple computers is interesting chat features (only the local network).
Distribution as Qimo are very important. Only then can children learn that the computer does not consist of hardware and Windows. free website templates If it should be used by Linux and free software in the future will have a great advantage. Maybe even find that Linux works all what they need from the computer and do not have the need to use non-free programs.
It is a pity that Qimo based on the old Xubuntu 8.10, certainly would not hurt to update. Furthermore bothered me minor problems predominantly associated with localization. Once installed, it had to install a language support in setting some programs (Tuxtype) had to manually turn on Czech.
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Re: Qimo - Linux for little kids Miro 30th 11th 2009 7:26:26 Reply Link I do it this way. You can burn it to CDs and plunge it into the hand of a teacher. When it will package it difficult to tell whether you install Ubuntu and whether there install package. Faint.
Qimo - Linux for small children Daniel 30th 11th 2009 7:31:51 Reply Link looks really nice, perhaps a few words about the localization could be. And you can add to it or there is audio + video player and web browser what is there?
Qimo - Linux for Babies Government on 30 11th, 2009 8:39:32 Reply Link MnO I was looking on the web and is napsanej in ASPX: o) Strange that it is a Linux distribution: o) It's not worth anything in the end Mrtvosoft?
Re: Qimo - Linux for little kids Miro Hrončok free website templates 30th 11th 2009, 10:32:57 Reply Link Q: Why is running on Windows and. Net? A: Both the design and hosting for this website is being Donated to us by TMR Agency. While They are not a Linux shop, They wanted to be Involved in helping us get the kids educational software in the capacity of They